Sunday, January 3, 2016

Hart Happenings

Happy 2016 everyone! It's going to be amazing! We took down all our Christmas paraphernalia tonight which is sad but nice too. Nice to get back into our groove. I feel like this holiday break has lasted forever. Maybe that's because we cheated and started early (like before Thanksgiving). But it was delightful.
Our New Year's celebrations got off to a riotous start at a party we attended at a friend's house in New Year's Eve. The house was crammed with some of the nicest people I've ever met and we just played all night. We can't wait to introduce you all to our new favorite game called "bite the bag" and yes, it's exactly what it sounds like.  It was fun to meet up again at Carl's for the "annual" New Year's party which we have taken a hiatus from the past couple of years. I had a really good time visiting with Ruth and looking at houses that they could buy when they move here next month (nudge, nudge). Yay! Alex enjoyed playing pool and air hockey with the guys. And the boys always have a blast with their cousins. I was just glad that there was no blood spilled on that amazing slide.  It was fun to play with Mom in the fabric store for a bit while Dad and Alex chatted in the parking lot. We also enjoyed spending time with Alex's sister. A little sad since her husband just walked out on her and they are trying to figure out what that means and how to deal with it all. But it was good to be there for her. Siblings: COMMUNICATE with your spouses!!! About EVERYTHING!!!! Okay, I'm good now. But seriously....
We at the Hart house are really looking forward to what this new year will bring and we hope it brings ample opportunities to play with all of you, our faves. 

Peter's first day of Primary. He was so excited!

No we did not build these. They were part of our annual nativity and gingerbread house exhibit at the museum.  

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