Sunday, January 24, 2016

Flake Fun

24 January 2016 - This week has been a good one but nothing much of consequence happened.  Yesterday and Friday we helped TJ start on the house wrap and siding for his home.  It will be a long project but since the drywall installers will be working inside all of next week, there isn't much for us to do on the inside! 

The pinewood derby was yesterday.  Perhaps I have already told you but there is a man in our stake that runs all of the pinewood derbies for us.  He sets up his top of the line, 4-lane track with a laser finish line.  There is another guy who sets up his racing software that runs the brackets and final scores. And they always include a "guest" competitor.  This year it was Kung Fu Panda.  He did some martial arts moves with the scouts and then they raced.  Panda's car was the slowest but he had fun anyway. 

My in-laws spoke in church today and it was a great meeting.  Dona spoke about being kind and how much of a difference that can make in the lives of those around you.  Randy spoke about the miracles of Christ.  But not in the traditional sense.  He related a very moving story from his personal life about how President Kimball's successful heart surgery personally impacted him (Randy).

The ward elders also spoke.  One, Elder Anderson, has been in our ward for about 5 months.  Transfers came yesterday and he is being Taylor!!!  For those of you who don't remember or know, Taylor is the next town over...literally less than a mile from our house! 

Well we hope that you all have a great week.  Can't wait to hear updates from everyone! 


  1. I always love to hear how things are going for you. Can't wait to see you!

  2. I'd sure love to hear the details about Randy's experience with Pres. Kimball's surgery. I'm sure it's an interesting story. Looking forward to having you come home for a few moments :)
