Sunday, January 24, 2016

Hyde Park Happiness

Two births took out much of this week. One was very long and ended up at the hospital so the mom could get an epidural. Just what she needed - pushed the baby out shortly afterward and was very happy with her experience.  On Thursday, Emma and I went to Ogden/Layton. The plan was to drop the quilt off that I've been making for Victoria and Thomas to a machine quilter in Wellsville, then go help Ruth get her basement cleaned up a little in preparation for getting organized to move. I also had to do a prenatal visit at the birth center. Lastly, Emma and I were going to look for dresses for Thomas' wedding. Well, it took much longer to finish the quilt than anticipated, so we left several hours late and couldn't drop off the quilt on the way down. I went to the birth center while Emma went to play with the Nilssons for a few minutes before returning to pick me up. We went to the mall on the way to Ruth's to peek at dresses, but while there I received a call that a mom was in labor in Logan. We rushed back to Ruth's to pick Chester up, put gas in the car and headed back home. No looking at dresses; no helping Ruth. We did drop the quilt off on the way into Cache Valley. I took Emma home and grabbed some things to go to the birth. Got home at 2:00 a.m. after a lovely birth.  We hope to try again this week to get to Ruth's house to help out - but there's another mom due this week....

When there is much to do, the time goes quickly! But the quilt is nearly finished, the bridal shower is planned (you should all get an invitation this week), the wedding gift has been purchased and will be delivered to the apartment tomorrow, Thomas is nearly moved out and has been staying in the apartment in North Logan, and the announcements are almost all sent. What a whirlwind this month has been! But it's nice to have something worthwhile to spend time doing.  Next thing on the list is clean the house!

Dad is on his way to Salt Lake tomorrow for a three day conference. That leaves just Emma and me and Chester home. Strange. We'll likely have a party!  Anyone who wants to may join us :-)

1 comment:

  1. Hope you can get back down to do some dress shopping. You are one busy lady.
