Sunday, January 24, 2016

Nilsson News

Well, Garrett let out the word to the ward today.  He was advised by the Stake President to hold off telling only a few people at a time and just announce our move at the end of sacrament meeting.  It was a very stressful thing for Garrett, trying to come up with the right words to say so as to not offend anyone.  It is interesting how many people think that if you have certain callings, like bishop, you are not allowed to move.  Everyone was very complimentary and kind and they all had wonderful things to say about Idaho Falls.  We are getting excited!  Garrett's start date is March 12th but we are still unsure about whether we will all be up there by that time.  We are considering having a contractor come and finish up the basement bedrooms.  We still need to find out if it would increase the value of our home enough to make it worth it.

The house hunting continues.  Our criteria is, no exceeding our price, at least one acre of land, at least two bathrooms and Garrett says at least within 10 miles of his work.  Doesn't that encompass the entire city?  This really makes me all sorts of nervous but I just hope someone is praying us to where we need to be.  For the next little while, this is most likely all you will hear about.  I'll end with some of the pictures we took recently.

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