Sunday, January 24, 2016

Manning Musings

Well I have not been the most exceptional blogger since school started and before that too! But school did start and it has been a lot more manageable and relaxed than last semester. Nick has a much lighter schedule and I am only teaching one section twice a week. So we are very happy about that. Nick was given the option to student teach seminary this semester which is what we have been wanting but we couldn't seem to find a time every day that would work. So after a lot of thought and prayer we decided to refuse the offer and hope that the opportunity comes in the fall.
Funny story of the week: We have been taking Sher Anderson's birthing class which is excellent and very informative. She talked about Cayenne pepper being a great source that helps with picking up iron and blood clotting. So I decided to make a Cayenne/Apple Cider Vinegar/Honey concoction yesterday. I knew Nick would like it because he loves hot and spicy things. As I was measuring the water and honey, Nick was opening the Vinegar. He asked, "so do you like this stuff?" I thought he was talking about the concoction but he was talking about the vinegar and so I said, "yes, I've acquired a taste for it." The next thing I knew, Nick was spewing vinegar everywhere and sputtering! Once I realized what happened I have to say I couldn't stop laughing! He really is not afraid to try anything edible and maybe not so edible so I need to be careful about that. The burn subsided after adequate amounts of water were consumed but I think it had an effect because he called it his near death experience.
So that is the excitement at the Manning house!


  1. Nick should call Elise and talk about her near death experience with the vinegar, honey, cayenne concoction during our skiing adventure in Yellowstone!! Poor Nick (but I couldn't stop laughing after reading about it!).

  2. Hahahahaha! My deepest sympathies Nick! Hahahahaha!
