Monday, January 11, 2016

Nilsson News

Okay, so I have been a big blogger slacker lately.  There is always an excuse but I will spare you those.    I think we may actually be getting into a regular routine now that the holidays are past.  The last couple of weeks have been rather eventful.  Just after new years, Garrett was on his way home from work when his car just shut down.  Thankfully, he was safe.  He pulled off the freeway and called me and then a tow truck.  Come to find out, the timing belt had snapped, thanks to the help of the frigid temperatures we'd had.  It is still in the shop, most likely to never to return to our garage.  We loved our little CR-V!
We went down to St. George to spend time with Garrett's family since we never got the chance over Christmas or Thanksgiving.  We were happy to leave the 3 degree weather and enjoy some time out in the 50's.
I'm sure most of you have heard by now but to confirm any rumors out there, yes, Garrett is possibly going to have a job change and we may relocate to.....Idaho Falls!  It really was not in the plan exactly, although we have been feeling a little antsy.  Like always with any change there are the pros and the cons.  The cons are leaving family, friends, and neighbors, but the pros would be a more affordable home, space and land, work experience outside of Utah, being close to the Harts ;), clean air, slower pace city, no jets flying over at midnight!  Garrett's first interview with the regional manager went really well and she told him she would like to hire him for the Idaho Falls and Blackfoot D.I. stores in order to have him help fix some problems.  He is good at fixing problems and that is why he was transferred to the Ogden store.  This Thursday he has an interview with the head director for the development counselors of D.I. and he is the one who says if it is a yes or a no.  We are hoping to know by at least the end of January and when we find out, I will actually have some news for you in this section of Nilsson News.
Happy New Year to all of you (I know I'm a little behind in saying that, but the whole month of January is still the new year according to me)!

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