Sunday, January 17, 2016

From Hyde Park

It's interesting how quickly one's perspective of what's important can change. I was watching a documentary on birth in the U.S. while working on a quilt last Monday when I got a call informing me that Danton Balls had passed away unexpectedly at his home that afternoon. Danton is about Lauren's age, maybe a year older. Dan and Jan Balls both have callings in Dad's YSA stake and have been our friends for a couple of decades and we have mourned for them and with them this week. Yesterday there was a viewing then a short program for immediate family, then they went to the cemetery for a short dedication of the grave and to release some balloons. Though very hard and sad, there was a distinct peace throughout the day, and throughout the week, really. What a great blessing the gospel is at times like this, a sweet mercy to those whose hearts are heavy and who seek comfort and peace.  Although they understand The Plan and are quick to acknowledge the help they've received, prayers for the Balls family would be appreciated.

Dad and Emma are recovering from illness. Dad has been watching the presidential debates with great interest. Not sure who to vote for yet. Thomas is getting things ready to move into the apartment he and Victoria will be living in. I'm finding more to do than can possibly get done. Things are moving forward for the wedding. We have enjoyed several storms this week, with snow about every other day. We are glad for it! All is well.

In Sacrament Meeting today, one speaker talked about becoming. She said, "Many of us have set some goals for the new year, or at least have made some lists of things to do this year. How many of us have made a list of what to be?"  That was an interesting thought.  Perhaps I'll write down two lists: Things to Do and Things to Be. I hope I can make some progress on accomplishing something on both lists!

Watch for the 2016 Predictions to be posted later today....

Love you all! Have a lovely week!

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