Sunday, January 10, 2016

Hyde Park Happiness

Wow! What a wonder Worldwide Devotional we watched tonight! President Russell M. Nelson was speaking from BYU Hawaii, and what an amazing talk it was. He spoke to "the millennials." I'm not exactly sure what that means, but I'm confident that our children and grandchildren are all among that group. Therefore, you should listen to it! He left a blessing upon the millennials that was quite clear and pointed and tender. I hope you get a chance to see and discuss it. It sure clarified some personal objectives I should have for this year, and the future.

Speaking of millennials, Dad found an interesting graphic of life the other day. It really puts things into perspective. I must admit to having tears when I realized the time I have left in this life to be with and enjoy family is not much. I'm really not trying to be dramatic of melancholy, just realistic. You might find it interesting (just ignore all the other graphics on the page):
It may change the way you look at what's important to spend your time doing.

We are in the throes of wedding stuff. Thomas and Victoria are doing the most of the work, and doing a great job of it. They know what they want and have used their time off school to great advantage and have accomplished a lot. They found an apartment, printed announcements, made a wedding movie, and lots of things I am not privy to. We enjoyed having lunch with Victoria's parents, getting acquainted and making some plans with them. Just a few more weeks...

Looking ahead, there are many exciting things coming: a wedding, a baby, possible job changes, possible move to another state... and wonderful things that will remain the same (which is okay!). It will be a great year!  Before much more of it passes, send me your predictions for 2016 so we can see what great insights everyone has.

The deer have returned and are feasting upon our compost pile. I hope the fermented apples don't make them too tipsy :)  We like watching them and seeing the pheasants, too.  I truly like not having to worry about taking tests and writing papers, though I miss the studying. I do enjoy being able to work on long forgotten, as well as new, projects!

Have a lovely week, and stay warm!

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