Monday, January 4, 2016

Happy in Hyde Park

My primary goal for 2016 is to be done with migraines.  Having "enjoyed" a doozy of a headache all of New Year's weekend, and still a bit of it hanging on today, I'm ready to call it quits. Done. No more. That's the goal. The remedy? Not quite sure.... Dad is suggesting some magic pills that Dr. Evans can prescribe (he has them specially concocted at the compounding pharmacy), but I'm skeptical. I don't like narcotics and feeling out of control, etc. Maybe I'll try massage....

We loved every moment of our festive holiday time with some, even most, of  you! Thanks for making the effort to be here for Thanksgiving, the first annual Belliston Family Christmas party (I'm already scheming for the next one!), and New Year's Day at Carl's. I truly believe that we won't regret getting together as often as we can possibly do it. I was thinking about how many of the family did not come to Carl's party and hope they won't regret not taking the opportunity to be with Grandpa when they could have (after he's gone). I don't want to cause any guilt feelings, I just feel inclined to try to be with my favorite folks, those who are most influential and most important in my life, as often as possible.

There are lots of wonderful things on the calendar for this year - some that we aren't even aware of yet! Can't wait to see what's coming :)  I hope we'll be as prepared as the Flakes for the upcoming planting season. We did get our garlic planted, albeit in December, but it's there! That tiller looks amazing!

Peter looks as though he could fit right into the Joe and Lori Belliston family. If you haven't seen their 2015 family video, it's a must! Kids falling asleep in all sorts of places and positions. Delightful!

I'm not thinking very clearly, so I'll sign off. Keep blogging and let us know how the new year is going for you!!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear you weren't feeling well. Hope that you can be rid of migraines for 2016.
