Monday, December 7, 2015

Hart Happenings

Thanks for posting that recipe, Mom. It just sounded so good yesterday. I was torturing myself by perusing my fully illustrated cookbooks on Fast Sunday (does anyone remember doing that as kids?)and I started remembering that stemmed pudding and couldn't find any complete instructions. I think it will be our FHE treat tonight. The missionaries are coming over to teach one of their investigators at our house. Patricia and her daughter Olivia. They are lovely! 
This week was great. Alex and I actually got the majority of our Christmas shopping done right after Thanksgiving so we have been just enjoying the season. We got out Christmas tree on Monday, went sledding on Tuesday, Ian's concert was on Wednesday (which was so fun!), we've been enjoying our advent calendar every day, and we went to our favorite glass blower's workshop open house and watched him blow his glass ornaments and picked a new one out to add to our collection. We spent an evening with Alex's business partner and his wife at their home eating and watching a Christmas movie. Our ward Christmas party was on Saturday and it was fantastic! So much fun and a great turn out. We got all the poinsettias delivered and set out at the mall, we've made tons of snowflakes, and I was able to enjoy a craft say with some of my favorite friends. Then we topped it all off with a houseful of lovely people who joined us for cookies and milk and the Christmas Devotional. It's been a great start to the season!
Can't wait to see everyone again in a couple weeks!

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