Sunday, December 6, 2015

Requested Recipe

This post is per Elise's request. I don't know if any others of you remember eating steamed pudding, but it was one of Dad's favorites growing up.  Give it a try if you want something really yummy!

Marcelle Belliston's Steamed Pudding

1 cup grated carrots
1 cup grated potatoes
2 cups raisins (I usually add a little less)
1/2 cup chopped nuts
1 cup sugar
2 cups flour
1 tsp each of salt, cinnamon, soda, nutmeg
1/4 cup melted butter

Mix ingredients together.  Grease 2 - 3 large peanut butter jars or wide mouth quart jars.  Put a cloth in the bottom of a pot that is tall enough to put a lid on with the jars inside. Put 3 - 4 inches of water in the pan and place the jars inside.  Turn heat on medium and put the lid on the pan.  Bring water to a boil and let the pudding steam for 2 - 2 1/2 hours until carrots and potatoes are soft.  Watch to make sure the pan doesn't boil dry. Add more water if needed.

It's more delicious with the sauce!

Steamed Pudding Sauce

Melt 3 Tbs butter in one cup of boiling water.
Stir together:
1 cup sugar
1 1/2 Tbs. cornstarch
3/4 tsp. cinnamon and nutmeg
Add to hot mixture. Cook until thick and clear.
Add 1 tsp. vanilla.
Serve on hot pudding.

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