Sunday, December 13, 2015

Flake Fun

13 Dec 2015 - First off...Happy Birthday to Nick!  Congrats to Lauren on her new calling!  My advice is don't forget to laugh!
This week was a long one but we survived and had a great weekend! We decorated for Christmas on Monday.   Friday morning we helped with TJ's house.  It was pretty windy but luckily most of the roof is on and the walls are up so we had some "indoor" things to do. 
We woke up to snow on Saturday and it snowed off and on for the rest of the day. It was beautiful.  It is the heavy, wet snow and it is still hanging around today!  The forecast calls for some pretty low temperatures this coming week so I guess winter is here. 
I think that is about it for us!  Hope everyone survived finals week. 

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