Sunday, December 6, 2015

Nilsson News

This week was our sick week.  On Tuesday, Eliza came down with a fever and stomach bug.  It lasted two days and Henry caught it.  He seemed to throw up just about every half hour, poor little guy!  This is the first time he has ever been sick and what a way to be introduced to the realities of mortality.  Saturday night, Emerson began complaining of a stomach ache and he also threw up all night.  I am sitting home from church with him as I type this.  I guess we teach our kids to share with each other, but I wish some things they would keep to themselves.  It was fun to have Grandma here on Friday evening.  She was so kind to watch the kids so Garrett and I could get out for a few minutes.

A funny thing did happen amidst all these germs, the kids were getting bundled to go and play outside. A few minutes later, Emerson came running in to tell me there was a pig outside.  I wasn't sure if he was seeing things because in Layton nobody has a pig.  I walked over to the window and sure enough, a large, black and grey spotted potbellied pig, was sniffling around the mailbox!  How random can you get?  I started to call around to some neighbors to see if they knew anyone with a pig.  The neighbor on the corner just had to find out who it belonged to and soon discovered our neighbors across the street had just bought it a couple days earlier.  They have six dogs, five boats, and ten cars, why not add a pig to the mix?  It definitely added some excitement to the kid's day.

Like mom mentioned, we finally went and bought a Christmas tree.  It isn't as thrilling to go choose a tree at the tree lot, but when I think about taking all our littles and going on an excursion in the mountains, I suddenly don't mind the tree lot.  We settled on a tall and skinny tree.  For the first time in the history of our Christmas trees, this one looks loaded!  When you only have ten branches to hang ornaments on, it fills up rather quickly.

We hope all is well with all of you and hope you are enjoying this holiday season!

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