Tuesday, December 1, 2015

P.S. From Hyde Park

Dad and I took our donations to the Center for Pregnancy Choices yesterday and had a wonderful experience as they gave us a little tour of their space. The people who volunteer there are all good, Christian folks.  They provide services to women who find themselves with an unplanned/unwanted pregnancy and pray with them and try to help families come together. They receive donations of clothing, blankets, diapers and other supplies that they provide to new mothers. The women can also "earn" additional clothing and supplies as they attend classes to help them with parenting. They are  reaching out to the community and providing classes in some of the high schools (Cache High and Fast Forward) about abstinence.  We felt really good about their program.  They were very grateful for the donations and said to tell our family thank you very much. We have a baby bottle for each of you to fill with coins and will bring them to our family Christmas party - as soon as we get it planned! Thanks again!

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