Sunday, December 6, 2015

Manning Musings

It was so great to be with family over Thanksgiving. We have such a good family! It was wonderful to be with the Mannings on Thanksgiving Day. There are a really great group and so fun! This week is the last big marathon race for school. And just to make it fun Nick is teaching seminary this week and is being observed to see if he can student teach. Lots of prayers would be appreciated! He is such a great teacher and he loves the students but he wishes there was more time to prepare the lessons with all of his school demands and teaching. But whatever happens will be good and it is all in the Lord's hands anyway.
My music class students have been doing final projects where they present on something they have been researching or they can perform something. It has been pretty fun and there has been lots of creativity in the topics.
Thanks for all your prayers and concern for my health. I am doing much better and am very grateful for that!
Nothing too out of the ordinary this week except that Nick became buddies with Kurt Bestor. Not really, he just played in a concert with him! Looking forward to the break and more time with family and friends!

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