Sunday, December 13, 2015

Hyde Park Happiness

Whew!!!  What a week!  Thanks to everyone for your prayers and encouragement so I could finish my classes. It feels kind of weird to think I don't have to read textbooks, write papers, take tests, etc. any more.  I don't really know what I'll do with myself now, but there are plenty of things to choose from!  It is a great relief and I'm very grateful to Dad and Emma especially for putting up with my absenteeism for the last while.  They've been beyond patient and have taken over what I should have been doing.  I think it's been worth the effort.

We drove down to Layton yesterday to see Addy perform in her Christmas dance recital, which was really fun.  They did dances to Nutcracker music, which I love!  Addy's becoming quite graceful and danced beautifully.  Dad stayed with sick Emerson and Eliza so their parents and I could watch Addy.  It was nice to be there.

One or more of us have been to three Christmas parties lately and we're invited to another one tomorrow night.  I guess the season is in full swing.  Emma is doing her annual neighborhood sub-for-Santa effort, mostly by herself this year.  It's always a wonderful experience.  Thomas is in Colorado at a training for mascots.  He should be home tomorrow, just in time for finals!  Nick and Lauren were here tonight to celebrate Nick's birthday.  I'm not sure he enjoyed the celebration much until he finally won Rack-o!  It was great to have them here.

We can't wait for our family party!! We're very excited to see all of you and are looking forward to a delightful time together.  It's going to be strange to just be together for one afternoon instead of planning three days worth of activities and food! :/  We have some fun things planned and will have a great time next Saturday!  See you there....

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