Sunday, December 6, 2015

Flake Fun

6 Dec 2015 - Why does it take so long to recover from a vacation?  This week was a long one but we survived!  On Monday we were invited to eat with TJ and Kim so we took the opportunity to install blinds in the house so they now have some privacy!  It was a great way to start the week.  The rest of the week was spent at the office. 

Yesterday we helped TJ and Kim some more on their house. We had pizza for lunch.  There was one pizza left and the box was sitting on a shelf in the garage.  I was standing on the second floor looking into the garage when I noticed Reynolds, the golden retriever, sneak into the garage, snatch the pizza box from the shelf and saunter off.  I think that if I hadn't raised the alarm, no one would have been the wiser.  I just thought it was so funny that I had to tell Scott and it was overheard...Hilarious!!!!

Last week was pretty cold but this weekend has been beautiful and we are enjoying sunshine.  Hope everyone has decorated for Christmas and is enjoying the holiday season! 

I don't know if anyone likes jalapeno poppers but I found a delicious jalapeno popper casserole recipe. It is more of an appetizer/chip dip but oh so yummy!

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