Monday, December 21, 2015

Flake Fun

21 Dec 2015 - Apologies for not "blobbing" yesterday. It was most definitely not a day of rest, as I am sure most of you can relate to.  We had our Christmas program at church and I was involved with all but one of the musical numbers.  Between practicing, performing, primary and treat deliveries, we didn't have much time to sit down and relax. 

This past week was pretty typical.   I did spend a couple of days in Phoenix at a statewide exercise which was a nice break from the norm of the office.  We also had our ward Christmas party and our work party. So, I guess it wasn't at all typical! 

Scott got the tiller working which was pretty exciting!  We put a new motor on it and had to change some gaskets (or something) but it works nicely!  It is quite the beast. 

I learned an interesting lesson in gratitude this week. I was in the dollar store on Friday looking for some things and I over heard a piece of a conversation in the next isle over.  It went something like this:
"Well I called the bank to see why my card was declined and they said that they were doing a system update.  Who does that in the middle of the day?  Anyway, this lady behind me must have been in a big hurry because she paid for my packages.  She wouldn't let me pay her back or give me her address so I could send a check.  It was so embarrassing."

 I'll have to tell you the back story for it to make much sense.  A couple of weeks ago I had been contemplating what to do with Grandpa's holiday money.  We had been praying to know who needed it.  I had just left the temple and that subject was on my mind.  I stopped at the post office and noticed that the lady at the front of the line was having trouble with her card.  There were about 4-5 people ahead of me in line.  The lady stepped out to call her bank and the post office lady kept ringing people up.  By the time I got to the front of the line, the lady had not returned and it hit me that perhaps I could make someone's day a little brighter so I paid for her packages. A week later I was in the dollar store...

Why do we have such a hard time allowing people to be kind?  How can we create a Zion family or community when we refuse to allow people to help us?  When we don't let those around us know when we need help?  I am as guilty as anyone in this but this experience has really driven it home to me. 

Anyway, I'm glad that the party went well.  It was fun to attend digitally! 
Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. What a great story, Jenn! I love it and will send a copy to Grandpa Belliston, if that's okay with you. Way to be in tune! So great to think like that. I want to have that kind of thought process all the time, not just during the holidays, and make someone's day a bit brighter all through the year! Thanks for your great example :)
