Sunday, July 15, 2018

North Logan Notes

I'm so happy to hear that everyone is having a marvelous summer and beginning to enjoy the fruits of your labors. I actually talked to my new RS president today and told her that if anyone  in the ward needed help weeding, I would gladly volunteer. I don't think she really believed me, but I'm going to keep after her because I really would like to get my hands in the dirt! I can go to the farmer's market and get some yummy fresh stuff, but I have realized just how much I really miss weeding. It is a refreshing, relaxing activity for me. I like pulling weeds out of the flower beds around here, but only when no one is looking - which I think is most of the time. People aren't out much here. Perhaps it's too hot. Perhaps it's a different mindset, more like Lori describes Sandy as being, I guess.

We had a blast with the grandsons and their parents who were here for a few days this week! Wesley put his heart and soul (not to mention his legs) into learning to play duck, duck, goose. Delightful! We may have to add that to our next Belliston Olympics course :) The Hart boys catered to Wesley's every baseball/soccer whim. They enjoyed the splash pad and playing on the playground when things cooled off a bit. I really appreciate your patience with house hunting and offering opinions and ideas, Elise and Lauren. We really loved the garden produce Lauren and Nick brought, but mostly we loved having the company. Thanks for coming, Mannings and Harts! And please come again! Anyone! Everyone!

Things are mostly the same here. Very quiet when everyone leaves. I attended two YSA sacrament meetings today and both were excellent. The high council speakers all talked about the faith of our fathers increasing our own faith. They told family history stories that were incredible, especially given that the people they talked about were very ordinary. The take home for me was, what kind of legacy am I leaving? One speaker told the story about Neal A. Maxwell, that you might remember. He went to visit his daughter one day. Her three-year-old was taking a nap and when he woke up he called downstairs to his mom. She told him to come down and see Grandpa. Without hesitation, the little one said, "Should I bring my scriptures?" What a great legacy! I've got some work to do on that one :)

Have a lovely week - and enjoy the rain! Jenn and Thomas have both been getting wet, which is nice. We haven't had rain for a very long time here, and there's none in the forecast. We do appreciate the clouds we get sometimes, but wish they'd drop a little moisture.

Love you all!

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