Sunday, July 15, 2018

Nilsson News

Summer is lovely!  Like Elise said, the plants have finally decided that it's safe to grow.  I really love this stage of the garden, when everything is growing and looks lovely but the harvest has not yet arrived.  Don't get me wrong, I do love the harvest as well but sometimes it is nice not having to think about what to do with the harvest - namely canning.
We did enjoy some time at the park playing in the creek with the Harts and friends.  Emerson was on a hunt to find crawdad claws and pieces.  He found several that I let him keep, but I drew the line when he wanted to bring home a full sized dead crawdad.  I know, I'm mean.
Yesterday, we went down to Pineview reservoir up Ogden canyon.  It was beautiful!  I think if we could transport the Utah mountains up to the Idaho Falls valley, we will have found the celestial heaven.  We met up with Garrett's siblings and their kids and played in the lake.  It was overcast and the perfect weather.  The only challenge was trying to keep Millie from lapping up too much lake water.  It was a good day away.  I honestly don't like to leave too much during the summer because it is the best time of year to enjoy everything here.  Winter is our preferred vacation time.
I don't really know what project Elise is talking about, whether it's the front post or the side flower garden.  This post has been a bugger.  I wanted to make it like the posts in the back, but come to find out it was painted with several stubborn layers of paint.  It has been a headache to work with but I think after several coats of stripper, some muscle and a lovely sander, I think I may be seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. 
As for the flower bed, now that the big stumps are gone, I can create my perennial flower garden!  I measured the space and it is roughly 41 feet by 27 feet.  It is definitely the largest space I have ever tried to tackle but it will be an exciting challenge.  If you know of anyone who is wanting to get rid of some perennials or small shrubs, just let me know!  I'm trying to start my collection.
I hope all of you are enjoying the fast fleeting summer.  Are you taking time to sit back on a porch swing?  I have actually done it a couple of times!  Quite refreshing.  Maybe you should go run through some corn (Just now, I overheard Henry ask Eliza if she wanted to go run through the corn.  So cute!).  That's what summer is about.
Sure love you family!

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