Sunday, July 8, 2018

Hart Happenings

  I think all the fun things that are supposed to happen during the summer have happened this past week for us!  Basically, Alex's entire family converged for the extended Hart family reunion and they all ended up crashing at our house.  Some stayed longer than others, but at one point we had 26 people sleeping in all the nooks and crannies of our house.  It was wild!  Alex's mantra is "the more, the merrier," but I've decided that it has a cap.  We bid the last of them farewell, frantically did some laundry, threw a pre-4th of July party for Ian and his buddies (there were about 8 twelve year old boys running around my yard with matches and explosives for 3 hours and nobody died so it was awesome) and at the end of that Joe/Lori & co. arrived to help us celebrate the fourth.  We were soooo glad to see them!  Ruth already gave the run down of the holiday festivities, but we had a good time and were so happy that dad decided to come up and join us.  We missed Mom!  We bid farewell to the Bellistons on Thursday then packed up our stuff and headed down to Utah on Friday for an impromptu gathering of Alex's siblings who came to see his sister from California who was in Provo for a few days.  It was SO HOT!  Lauren, I don't know how you survive down there!  We got back last night and crashed!  Peter didn't wake up until after I left for my meetings at 11:00 this morning.
  So, I am soaking up the quiet today.  Hope you all are enjoying the Sabbath as well.  Hope to see some of you this coming week!

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