Sunday, July 22, 2018

Nilsson News

I think I was meant to be Amish.  I have been reading the Amish parenting book that Elise recommended and it is lovely!  I know I wouldn't fit in completely with them but I feel as though I wouldn't be quite as weird as I am to the modern world in which we live.  I think I need to take a trip to Ohio or Pennsylvania to visit those people who seem to have their priorities in the right place.  I really, really want them to come build a barn for me.  I guess you can order these Amish barn kits and then they come and assemble them for you.  Sign me up.

It was a pretty quiet week for the most part.  Played/worked outside, went to the library, played with cousins, strolled through the farmer's market and enjoyed a quick visit from grandma.  We found a new home for our Polish roosters.  I really wish we could have kept them because of their coolness factor, but they did not have enough space to strut their stuff.  They wouldn't let the hens into the coop without pouncing on them first.  It really was infuriating.  I posted them on craigslist and the following day someone came to get them.  She was a little bit clueless when it came to farm animals so I really hope it all works out for them.  She asked of the roosters liked to "sing" in the morning.  I said they definitely crow in the mornings and about every five minutes thereafter.  Our remaining buff rooster just began to crow yesterday.  I guess he didn't find it necessary to crow with the other two always trying to out-do each other.  It has been a little more quiet around here, which is nice.

Yesterday, we began work on the epic flower bed to the side of our house.  I am starting with the pathways and I'm about halfway through the rock paver path.  I'm really excited about it!  Emerson was given riding mower lessons and he thought that was great fun.  I hope that is the attitude that will continue even after he starts to mow on a regular basis.

We harvested a cucumber and four zucchini this week.  The flowers in our cutting garden are beginning to bloom, much to Eliza's delight.  Addy is our watermelon counter and found 22 this afternoon.  Our mouths are beginning to water!  If we could, we would mail each of you a garden fresh watermelon but I don't think the mail service would appreciate that very much.  I guess you will all need to come here to get one.

That is all for this report!  Have a terrific week family!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I don't know Ruth, I once got a real coconut mailed to me by a friend vacationing in Hawaii. Maybe watermelons are like that. Just more expensive!
