Sunday, July 29, 2018

Nilsson News

I love the flowers and veggies Jenn!  I finally been able to to enjoy having a small cut flower garden.  I have been cutting fresh zinnias to add color to our table and mantle.  So much fun!  I wish we could have been in Snowflake for the Pioneer Day festivities.  The extent of our celebration for the day was going to the church for a dinner and listening to an old timer band.  It was nice but it was definitely not the Flake Family Rodeo.
We have enjoyed having Garrett's parents here this whole week.  We had a nice long bike ride around the greenbelt/temple area.  We walked around the farmer's market and art show they had going on and of course my mind was soaking in ideas of things I could make.  We took the kids swimming and Henry discovered how to go under the water and jump off the side of the pool.  He was so proud of his accomplishment!  It was a good time.

Let me ask you this:  What do you get when a type 3 and another type 3 meet together?  You get a lot of projects done!  Garrett's dad is very much a type 3 and is project driven so I always have to think of some projects he can help with whenever he comes.  He and Garrett replaced our dated globe lights by the fireplace with some sleek flush mount lights that look 100 times better.  The big project however was the facelift of our front screen door.  It was hideous and every time I looked at it I thought of ketchup and mustard.  The screen had torn which allowed for an over abundance of bugs in the house.  Garrett's dad knew of a product that he told me about would probably look good and I came up with a design.  With some skillful sawing (Garrett's dad's skill, not mine), glue, clamps and several hours later, we transformed the door completely.  I absolutely love it!  All that is left to do is paint the red door and side light a nice dark navy blue color.  I'm hoping I can do that next week sometime.  If any of you have a hideous, dated storm door, don't give up on it!  There is hope and new life just waiting to burst forth!  It can be done!
 This is the "before" picture of the ketchup and mustard theme.
 A closeup of the awesome herringbone design.
The amazing AFTER!!!

Sorry you always have to put up with my project obsessions.  It isn't ALL I ever do.  I do prepare meals and sometimes clean the house.  I do read to my children and take them to the library.  I do weed the garden and fulfill my church calling.  The projects are what I do in my "spare" time.
Love you all!

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