Sunday, July 15, 2018

Hart Happenings

  Isn't summer glorious?!  It is amazing what a rise in the temperature does for plants and people!  The community comes alive with people walking, biking, running, playing in the parks, prowling farmers markets, and visiting neighbors.  It is nice to live in a place that is so family and community oriented. Lori was saying that she has missed that aspect of Springville and that Sandy is kind of bereft of that vibe.  She talked about maybe painting some rocks and starting to hide them around town.  I think that is a brilliant idea!
  And the plants have decided that life is worth living.  They haven't done much growing since I put them in the ground, but since the temperatures have stayed between the 80s and 90s the past few weeks, they have really taken off.  You should smell my sweet peas!  Seriously!  I can't believe that I ever lived without them!  No mas.  We're not quite to the point that Jenn and Scott are or Lauren and Nick for that matter, but at least I have hope of some kind of harvest now.
  A highlight of the week for us was a brief trip to Logan to visit Lauren, Nick, Wesley, Mom and Dad.  It was fun to see the temporary digs (very nice, lots to like about the townhouse), visit, play with Wesley who is charming and quite the character, try a new restaurant, and check out some potential building sites or homes for Mom and Dad.  There are some really nice options and I think they'll will be able to make a choice they feel really good about.  They tease us by sending us listings they've noted in Idaho Falls, but I'm trying not to get my hopes up!  Ian had a blast at the Ukulele class that Nick was teaching.  It was nice of Nick to let him come and it was fun for us to watch Nick teach.  He is incredible!  Thanks for hosting us, parents!
  Garden classes are going well.  We have a fun group of kids and some wonderful adult volunteers.  I've actually learned a lot from this whole deal.
  We spent some time at the park playing in the creek with Ruth and some friends.  I'll let her tell you all about it, but Ruth's next project is mind boggling!  I went out yesterday for some cousin time and she showed me her plans and I about keeled over.  It'll be amazing, but man, the scope took my breath away!
  I finished the most amazing parenting book about how the Amish raise their kids.  It was inspiring/frustrating.  I was wailing to Alex at some point that I have entirely failed our kids.  But mostly it was empowering and such useful information!  I would highly recommend it.  It's called More Than Happy.
  Anyway,  must go get the boys ready for church!  Happy Sabbath y'all.

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