Monday, July 23, 2018

Flake Fun

This week was pretty good.  The highlight was definitely the weekend though with the town Pioneer Day celebrations. 

Friday started out with 2 baby sparrows on our lawn learning the fly. 

Then I went to the Flake Family Rodeo (Scott was at work) which was fantastic as usual.  It was fun to try and reason with 5 year old McKinnley & explain that she could chase the money calf even though she didn't have any money!

The parade on Saturday was a lot of fun as well.  The skid steer guy was back but this time he attached seats to his bucket & had people in it while he did all of his tricks!

Like everyone, our garden is doing really well and I think our rain storms are over for the time being. Sad day.  Our flowers are blooming which is really nice and adds some color to our yard.

Carrot, garlic, potato & zucchini from our garden.

Hope that you all have a fantastic week!

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