Monday, July 9, 2018

Flake Fatigue

It sounds like everyone had an enjoyable 4th.  We enjoyed our time as well but didn't participate in any of the normal 4th type festivities.  We went on a 9.5 mile trail ride on bikes along the Panorama trail.  We were exhausted afterwards and spent the rest of the day taking it easy.

On Saturday we had our first terrific rain storm!  (First because we hope that there are many more in the next several weeks).  There was a river running down our lane and the next morning the creek was overflowing it's borders!  Yay for rain!  This is the first real rainstorm that we have had for 12+ months.  To illustrate how dry things are, within an hour most of it had soaked into the soil and there were dry spots the next morning.  But you can feel the refreshed relief from nature when you step out the door!

We harvested our garlic this week and had some massive heads.  We also dug up some of our potatoes for dinner the other evening & they were delicious.  Some of our carrots are ready to pick, we should have some corn to harvest in a week or two & our flowers are finally thinking about blooming!   So, if anyone is ready for a garden dinner, come on down!

That's about all I can think of to report! 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds refreshing and delicious! It'll be interesting to see if the summer holds any rain for us. I'm afraid that we may have met our quota in June and might not see any moisture for the rest of the season.
