Sunday, July 8, 2018

Manning Moments

Wow it feels warmer than I remember most summers being! This week has been pretty good. We sometimes get things done in the yard and house. We play a lot of ball and that's about it. We did have a great time with mom and dad last weekend when they came down to visit Grandpa. We went to a store called Moon's rare books that Nick's faculty went to. It was quite amazing to see King James' King James Bible, Williams Tyndale's Bible and early editions of all the great classics. They also had Brigham Young's chair, Pres. McKay's glasses, Samuel Smith's Book of Mormon among many other things.
We went to the Manning's for the 4th celebrations and that was a good time. Wesley was happy to just play on the tennis court and hit balls. He liked doing sparklers but had a hard time sleeping with the noisier fireworks. He still wakes up and says, "fireworks aren't working!" Which is a happy thing.
I had been having a thought for most of the summer that we should have a King Street neighborhood party. Nick and I both have ministering assignments on our street and we have several less active and non member families also on the street. But I kept putting the thought aside because I am not a party thrower and I don't feel up to it and Nick was gone a lot with work and blah blah blah. But then we had a great lesson in Relief Society about ministering and how it is not convenient and we should always just act on the thoughts we have. So I dragged my feet because I didn't want to feel guilty when the baby comes. So Nick was very kind and helped me make an invitation and we had a BBQ on the 5th. It turned out to be really good and I hope that more good continues to come from it. Many people said they were so excited because they used to do things like that. We had about 16 people come and many of them we had never seen or met before.Wesley wasn't sure what to think of our neighbor who was covered in tattoos and rings! But people stayed and visited until it was too dark to see and I think that says that people really want to connect with their neighbors but they just let other things get in the way. So there were a couple lessons I learned from that experience.
Hope you all have a great week!

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