Dad went to Montana for meetings this week and really enjoyed his tour of a Hutterite community there. They are an offshoot of the Amish/Mennonite belief and lifestyle and Dad loved interacting with them and getting a taste of their simple life. They have a small, lovely self-sustaining community that is very intriguing. Maybe we, like Ruth, were meant to be Amish/Hutterite.... I expected Dad to return on Thursday evening or Friday morning, but he finished his work early and got home Wednesday evening, which was a very pleasant surprise. He actually stopped in Idaho Falls on his way home and enjoyed seeing Ruth and Garrett for a few minutes and admired their lovely garden. We can't wait for a taste of those incredible watermelon!
I was feeling a bit lonesome while Dad was gone, and not wanting to spend a holiday alone, so I went to spend time with the Manning clan. Nick and Lauren had plans to hike up in Little Cottonwood canyon and see the wildflowers, so I met them in Sandy and hiked with them. It was beautiful! Quite a site as we walked along to see the splash of color amid the shades of green in the canyon. Apparently it is spectacular enough that there is an annual pilgrimage of sorts by people from all over. Wesley loved hiking and showing people his stick he found (and of course used as a bat to hit rocks and pinecones and anything else that could be substituted for a ball!). When he had hiked all he wanted he said, "I'm done." And would go no further! That was okay with Lauren, who was also ready to be done by that time. But they were troopers for quite a distance and we had a great time. I drove over to see Joe and Lori's family for a little while before heading down to American Fork. It's always a delight to see grandchildren show their new skills - bike riding and skateboarding and hammocking, in this case. Very fun! It was great to go on a walk, get a treat, play, and weed the garden with Wesley and his parents.
We found a house that we want. It's not for sale. It was recently built by a contractor we've talked with a couple of times. But we'd sure like to build one like it! The task now is to find a lot and someone serious enough to make it happen for us. That may take some doing at this point.
Dad released and sustained two bishoprics today. Doing one bishopric always about wipes him out, but two in one day was especially taxing! All went well and there was a beautiful spirit indeed at that meeting and in the setting apart sessions. This makes three bishoprics this summer, and three more to go before school starts! It's been a busy time for Dad. The next month will be particularly stressful, but, as Emma keeps pointing out in her letters, "Things always work out!"
So, in honor of Pioneer Day and thinking about ancestors - and because I'm doing a Family History challenge for 6 weeks - here are some things I recently ran across in trying to organize information and photos I've had collected for years.... (sorry I don't have photoshop on my computer so I couldn't crop the pictures)
My mother is in the middle - Zona Biorn.
On the back of the photo - This is why it is in honor of Pioneer Day!
And for all of our family who now live in Idaho, I thought you might be interested in these funeral programs for my great-grandparents. These are my Grandmother Thelma Edginton Biorn's parents. Be sure to look at the burial information. Perhaps we should take a field trip to the cemetery sometime when we are up there!
Thomas just arrived and I must feed him and Dad. Happy first week of August to everyone (how did that happen so fast?!). Hopefully we'll all be hearing from Lauren soon... Love you all!