Sunday, January 21, 2018

Nilsson News

It has been a big week for Millie!  She has graduated from adorable bottom scooting to crawling!  She has also finally cut her first tooth.  It has taken her a long time, but hopefully the rest will follow quickly behind.  We heard it just means the teeth are extra strong when they come in slow.  We hope that's true!  Because of the new mobility of Millie, I constructed a baby gate.  The cheap store bought ones were not wide enough to span the distance of our extra wide stairs, so it came down to my creativity to solve the problem.  We had an extra piece of a crib.  One side of the crib was used as a headboard for Emma's room and now the other side I repurposed into a baby gate.  If I can ever figure out how to post pictures, I will post one of our gate.  It's kinda cute.
I also began demo on our fireplace.  It is slow work and it makes a really big mess.  It is fun and empowering to use tools and my favorite lately is the nail gun.  Hopefully, the project will continue to move forward.  Garrett isn't super enthused about it, so it is kind of in my hands to do and that is a little scary to think about.  But I'm determined to make it a success!
I can't think of much else to write about and it sounds like the house is falling apart with the kiddos, so I should probably end.  Tah tah!

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