Saturday, January 20, 2018

Flake Fun

20 Jan 2017 - Sorry that it has been a while since we posted.  Life has  We got snow this evening which was fun, except that we were driving in it and nearly got in an accident when we came around a bend and found someone completely stopped in our lane! And there was a semi and another vehicle in the other lane.  Dad Flake was driving (we were taking Katelyn back down to her parents) and the timing was perfect that he was able to swerve into the oncoming lane with inches to spare between oncoming traffic and the stalled car.  It was enough to scare us all and so we called and told Nathan and Katie that we weren't coming and they would have to wait another day to see their kiddo.

We got a plecko fish and we named him Bob.

It has been a long couple of weeks but I guess we all have those types of weeks, right?  So excited for the Mannings!

Hope that you all have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Whoa! So glad you guys survived the near miss! Smart move to stay home until the weather cleared :)
