Sunday, January 14, 2018

Hart Happenings

Hello all,
  I write this from my sickbed.  Wo is me.  But I plan on being fully recovered tomorrow.
  The boys and I wanted to post our predictions about where Emma might serve her mission:
  Alex: Montreal, Canada or Houston, Texas
  Elise:  Chile or New York
  Ian:  Japan or Washington state
  Jack:  China or New York
  Peter:  Russia or Texas

There you have it!  Wherever you end up, we're super excited for you Em!
The Harts have decided that we really like to vacation and have lived it up since Christmas.  We spent some good, quality time down in Utah with Joe and fam for Gracie's baptism.  The kids made an awesome bottle flipping video while we were there.  We enjoyed the Museum of Natural Curiosity with Lauren and Wesley and spent time with Alex's sister and her kids while we stayed at their house.   Ian and I enjoyed the show Aida at the new Hale theater in Sandy (it is truly an amazing place) and we haven't stopped listening to the soundtrack from The Greatest Showman that we went to with Joe and Grace while we were down there.  Such a good movie!
When we got home we started some spring cleaning which somehow morphed into a bathroom redo. So we are now in the middle of that.  It's going to look gorgeous!
As Ruth alluded to, the weather has been spectacular of late.  Temps in the 40's which seems quite balmy this time of year in Idaho.
Jack started indoor soccer this week.  So fun to be going to his games again.
Things are great up here.  Life is good and 2018 has all the signs of being a year for the record books!

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