Sunday, January 14, 2018

Hyde Park Highlights

A lovely week it was. So great to have family come and visit. We were delighted that Nick and Lauren and Wesley came on Friday. Wesley is very entertaining these days and talks up a storm. He has become quite a tease and gives Lauren a run for her money sometimes. Thanks to the Nilssons for joining in the fun on Saturday. It was a lovely day and we had a great time visiting about gospel questions, websites, gardening, etc. I was thinking how fun it is to have family to bounce ideas around with, regardless of personal interest. Everyone seems willing to talk about and express opinions about any topic of discussion. It's very enlightening!

Dad and I are off to the Conference Center soon to attend Pres. and Sister Uchtdorf's World Wide Devotional for the YSAs. It is sure to be a great experience - from 3:00 - 10:00 p.m. at Temple Square, with refreshments for what they hope will be about 20,000 young single adults!! Have you ever heard of such a thing??!!  Rumors are flying that President Uchtdorf plans to mill around temple square visiting and shaking hands. Unheard of! Delightful! We will report on whether that really happens or not. It's part of a great effort to connect with the members of the church in this age group. They are up against some tough things and the brethren are really reaching out to them.

 It looks as though Dad may be facing yet another change in his retirement scheme. We will keep you posted on that one. It was supposed to happen in about 6 weeks from now, but appears that it may be pushed back until the end of August. There are some positive and some negative things about that. We do feel blessed and that the Lord's hand in is this, so we are waiting to see what happens.

There are four babies due, and overdue, right now in Logan, so I'm on pins and needles most days - wondering if I'm going to be home or not each day. Guess I'll just run off to Salt Lake! That's sure to bring a baby or two :/

Have a lovely week. We hope to see and/or hear from all of you soon....

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