Sunday, January 21, 2018

Hyde Park Highlights

Hi All!! I love the guesses about where Sister Belliston may be called to serve a mission. Here is the run down:

Lauren:  Taiwan, Michigan
Nick:  Guatemala, Oklahoma
Addy:  Paris, Washington State
Ruth: Argentina, Virginia
Garrett: Canada, California
Jim:  Peru, Boston
Robin: New Zealand, Pennsylvania
Thomas: Australia, Texas
Victoria: Scandinavia - Norway
Jennifer: Spain, Maine
Alex: Montreal, Canada, Houston, Texas
Elise: Chile, New York
Ian: Japan, Washington State
Jack: China, New York
Peter: Russia, Texas
Joe: Africa, Alaska
Lori: France/Italy, D.C. Visitor Center
Grace: France
Joy: Temple Square
Jake: "where there are cars" - California

Speaking of mission calls, this little clip is great, if you haven't seen it. Perhaps you have, but it may be fun to watch again....    (this guy reminds me a little of Thomas - something about the way he expresses himself, maybe that's why I like it!)

We had a good week and are looking forward to a week of church work! Starting with a baptism yesterday and a ward conference today, there are church events for us every night this coming week - FHE with YSA, meetings, more meetings, Dad speaking at a Young Marrieds Stake Date Night, evening with Elder Renlund at the Spectrum, etc., etc.  It's really great to have so many opportunities that build our testimonies and keep us headed in the right direction.

Dad gave a fabulous talk at ward conference today about "If you love me, keep my commandments." He reminded us that the Lord expects us to love Him with all our heart, might mind and strength. Dad asked if we do - or if we love Him with only some of our heart or some of our mind. It's worth asking ourselves and see what we are holding back from Him and how well we are doing in following Him and loving Him.

Well, after 2 births today and not much sleep, I'm off to bed! Have a wonderful week! And congratulations to Millie on getting a tooth and learning to crawl - she's growing up!!

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