Sunday, January 21, 2018

Manning moments

It has been a long time since I posted! There has been a lot going on I suppose but I have been mostly focused on keeping food down when I can. It has been a very long couple months but I have much to be grateful for. Things are much better this time around. I only had to get one IV and don’t throw up every day! Wesley and nick have been superstars.
So nick started a new semester and things seem to be going well. He learns a lot and each semester he seems to have more success as he refines his lesson skills. We had our guitar and piano student’s recital this last week and it went well. We had it in our home because we can’t find venues open on Friday at 7. It was squishy but it worked out great.
Wesley is talking like crazy and loves to catch words that he knows when I’m listening to conference talks or reading to him. Nursery has been going well until today. It was just Wesley and another girl and she was bound and determined to be his mother. She fed him fishy crackers, tried to tuck him in with a blanket and wanted all the toys he had. It was hilarious to watch but he was sure tired and traumatized when it was all over.
I started reading the autobiography of Helen Keller this week and it has been inspiring! If you want a mind blower try to figure out how a deaf and blind person learns to talk!
Well I have to go eat something...

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