Sunday, January 7, 2018

Hyde Park Highlights

So glad to hear things are going better at the Nilssons! If I were Garrett, I might think about hiding the hammer and chisel :)  Just kidding, Ruth! I'm excited to see what your efforts produce. Thanks for sharing the information about de-owning. I am excited to make some progress in that direction, too!

Grace's baptism yesterday was an especially sweet way to begin the new year. There was a warm, vibrant spirit there that kept reminding me of the reason we are invited, or instructed, or commanded to become as little children. It was wonderful to be with Grace and her family, Lori's family, the Mannings, Harts and Grandpa and Christi. I wish you could all have heard Lori and Grace sing "A Child's Prayer," accompanied by Lauren. It was very precious and filled with the spirit. Such a beautiful experience. Grace is a remarkable example of goodness and love and I hope to be like her, and our other grandchildren, one day.

We were in the temple early on Wednesday morning when we heard that President Monson had passed away. It's the end of an era - all the prophets our children were raised with are now gone, well, at least the presidents of the church you were raised with are now gone. I thought I remembered that President Nelson and Elder Oaks were sustained the year Ruth was born, but I was wrong. They were both sustained the year before, in 1984, which still makes them seem like newbies in church leadership after President Monson had been there for so long! I'm grateful for the Plan of Salvation and to know that our dear President Monson is now with his wife and parents. What a well-lived life. Truly a noble prophet of God.

Perhaps you've seen this video that President Nelson recorded for his 90th birthday. If not, it's worth watching. I was amazed by some of the assignments he's had and things he's done. It will be a privilege to sustain him and another new apostle.

More changes this year: Most of you know by now that the little green Honda did not pass inspection. That's not a terrible thing - we actually expected it to not pass. The terrible thing was the cost to get it to pass - $1800, which is probably about 6 times its value. It has been a good, reliable, little car - for 310,000+ miles! We decided not to fix it or keep it. It went to the kidney foundation and we are mourning our loss. Emma is especially mourning. Actually, she is just angry. But it will be okay.

As for today... Dad and Emma had a very long interview. The longest interview he has given to date (over 2 hours!). But it was good and she was deemed ready to serve a mission..... Sorry these photos  are blurry - she kept moving! I took a video, but can't get it to post, so if you're interested, I can text it to you or show you on my phone next time I see you.

"Come on Dad, just submit the thing!"

"Did you really send it? Is it there?" 

"Woo Hoo!!"

One very happy girl!

Maybe now she'll forgive us (at least forgive Dad) for giving away the Honda :) We are not sure how long it will take to make the assignment and receive her call with the changes happening at church headquarters, but rest assured that she will certainly let you know when she gets a package in the mail!!

Have a great week, all!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! That seems like it was a long time coming. Now for another waiting period......Glad you passed, Emma!
