Sunday, January 7, 2018

Nilsson News

I'm glad to see that we posted at least one time in December.  Addy is sitting next to me and I asked her what we should write about and she said, "We were sick, sick, sick and we did nothing."  That is actually not too far from the truth.  The same nasty bug we had at Thanksgiving, infested our lives over Christmas and New Years.  All of the kids caught it and had it about ten days.  We are on the uphill climb though and all that seems to be lingering now are those obnoxious coughs.  Aside from being sick, we did enjoy some time together over the holidays.  We are gearing up to start a regular routine and get back into some school and inside projects. 
I don't think Garrett is as excited about the projects as I am, but I am learning to be a little more independent in my abilities with the power tools.  I think the fireplace makeover is the next on the list.  I just need to locate the big hammer and chisel and I'll be well under way!
I love a new year and feeling like there is a clean slate in front of me.  Something that has really been intriguing  and appealing to Garrett and I has been this idea of minimalism.  I read a wonderful book called "Declutter with Kids" by Joshua Becker.  I thought it would have all these great organizational ideas and step by step how to's, but instead he wrote about rather than decluttering and getting a bunch of containers and boxes to put things in, to actually de-own.  I loved his perspective that the less we own the more we can live and focus on things that are truly meaningful and important in our life.  It is really a fabulous read and his website also has some great articles that I recommend reading (  So, "de-owning" is one of my resolutions for this year and clearing out a lot of the unnecessary junk in my life.
Many of the testimonies in church today focused on President Monson.  What a remarkable man he was!  I'm so grateful that we belong to a church led by living prophets.  I'm glad that there is an order of leadership and that we don't have to worry about an election process or anything.  The church is true!

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