Sunday, January 28, 2018

Hyde Park Highlights

What a great week of church service. Dad had meetings and/or interviews every night except last night. He spoke in a married student stake date night, which was very fun. Just minutes before the meeting was to start, there were only a handful of people there. The leaders were a bit nervous because there was a lot of food prepared and many, many tables set with hundreds of places. But, as predicted, they arrived at the last minute, filled the chapel and the tables afterward, and ate all the food! It was delightful to see many who had been members of the YSA stake before graduating to the married stake. We really enjoyed that date night.

We just returned tonight from a wonderful experience at the Spectrum where Elder and Sister Renlund spoke to the YSA about receiving, understanding and following the guidance of the Holy Ghost. The interesting thing is that Dad had just spoken at a Ward Conference moments before and had addressed that very same question - how do I recognize the influence of the Spirit? What do I do if my prayers are not being answered? Dad listened to Elder Renlund intently and was comforted to realize that he had not taught any false doctrine at the ward conference. It was lovely to visit with the Renlunds before the devotional began. Here is something for Garrett to remember: Elder Renlund told the story of meeting President Faust, who punched him in the arm and said, "We have something in common! When our wives are not with us, we are both ruthless (Ruth-less)!" Their wives are both named Ruth - and so is the wife of our new temple president, thus the story :)

We have had so many incredible, beautiful opportunities because of Dad's calling. We have been in meetings with, and spoken with/shaken hands with several apostles in the last couple of years, including Elder Cook, Elder Andersen, Elder Stevensen, Elder Renlund, President Uchtdorf, President Ballard, and President Nelson. You have to know how very humbling it is for us to be in those circles. We are very, VERY common folks, as you all well know, and often feel quite uncomfortable in those gatherings. However, the experiences are not easily ignored or forgotten for me. They continue to shape and deepen my testimony and my gratitude to the Lord for so many, even if undeserved, blessings. What an amazing experience it is to be with and observe close up these servants of the Lord. Their goodness is nearly tangible. The light and spirit emanate from them and their wisdom and counsel are priceless. I am so grateful that Dad is worthy to be called to serve and that I can tag along and have these precious opportunities with him.

I thoroughly enjoyed a quick trip to Idaho and spending time learning about comets, meteors, asteroids, etc. We have very intelligent grandchildren! It was fascinating. Dad and I also had a wonderful time visiting Lauren, Nick and Wesley yesterday. Things are well wherever we go and we are grateful for any time we get to spend with our children and grandchildren.

No one is more anxious for Emma's mission call to come than we are - unless it's Emma! She has stopped calling Dad every day, but sends me a text each morning to see if there has been a phone call from the post office or a big envelope delivered to the mailbox. I'm pretty sure it will show up one of these days, but we are a little baffled at why it has taken "so long!" You will all definitely get a phone call when it comes - but you may not need it since it is likely that you will hear the screaming and shouting clear from Logan when it arrives!! Waiting with baited breath, on pins and needles.....

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