Sunday, January 28, 2018

Hart Happenings

It was a good week! They tend to be living here in Idaho.....
  Mom came up for a quick visit and we enjoyed talking with her and having her participate in our science class on Wednesday.  Our solar system is an incredible place.
  They called me to be the new Primary President in our ward so we are trying to figure that out.  With it being a new ward, there are some extra challenges, but it'll settle eventually.  We are so glad that our new church building is now within walking distance and also that one of us finally has a key again!  We spent Saturday afternoon at the gym playing frisbee and soccer.  So fun!
  Speaking of soccer, Jack is doing so well at his indoor season!  He scored 4 goals at his last game and made 2 killer assists!  I really like watching his team.
  I just finished reading The Boys in the Boat, a book given to me by Dr. Malouf.  It was so interesting!  About the American rowing crew that beat the Germans in the 1936 Olympics, held in Berlin.  I learned a lot about a sport I was unfamiliar with and it is always inspiring to read about people that overcome incredible obstacles and achieve some truly remarkable things.
  On Saturday we noticed a bunch of trumpeter swans hanging out in a nearby field.  We stopped to watch them until they started getting a little nervous.  Apparently, at one point there were only 46 trumpeter swans in America because of over-hunting, but the population has rebounded like crazy and they happen to pass through Idaho on their annual migration.  So it is fun to look for them around town.
  Our bathroom remodel project is done.  Hooray!  It was more like an update actually, not an actual remodel.  But it is nice to have that looking a little nicer.
  A big shout out to Ruthie for helping me pull together the chair covers for our Primary.  It was really nice to have her help.  And then we got to bash some more of her fireplace which was exhilarating.
  We are on tenterhooks up here, waiting for the word that Emma's call has arrived.  There was a rumor out there that she planned to get it out of the mailbox and take it down to her room and open it all on her own.  I just want to put it out there that such a move would be unadvisable.
  Anyway, sure love you all!  Can't wait for another reason to get together!


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