I'm in the top running for blog post slacker, too, probably first runner up...
June has been the month of company around here - Becca and Darin, Jeremy Carlsen and family, company coming to see Tarzan (Joe's family, Harts, Nilssons and Mannings), and Nate will be here week for work meetings and plans to come visit. Thomas has even stopped in a couple of times, which was nice. We have LOVED seeing everyone! It was a little strange this morning when Mannings left. We had a little pattern going - Harts came and stayed overnight. When they left, Nilssons came. They stayed overnight, then Mannings came when Ruth left. I just assumed someone would come when Lauren and Nick left this morning, but we're still waiting for that to happen!
We had a delightful time with Becca. She thoroughly enjoyed seeing Ruth's family and spending time with Lauren and Wesley and Emma. It was so fun to have her, as you all know. She's just great and loves being with family when she can. We had lots of time to visit and make plans. You'll probably be getting emails from her about some of our ideas.
Tarzan was such a good show. Everywhere we go these days people stop us to rave about Thomas and what an amazing job he did. I think he'll be glad after tomorrow night, though. It's fun while it lasts, but he's had nine performances and he's ready to be finished. Thank you all for making the effort to come and support him. It meant a lot to him and he was so happy to see you all there.
Happy Birthday to our favorite 3 year olds! Joy and Jake had a birthday today. They are pretty thrilled with their new flashlights and seem quite pleased to have had cupcakes. I keep wondering why everyone thinks it's okay to keep growing up!
Our garden is doing its best to grow. Our yard is trying to shape up. We are trying to keep on top of things. Dad enjoyed his time with Grandpa's relatives in Provo at their annual "cousins reunion." I enjoyed attending a birth this month. It was bitter-sweet to have Lauren and Nick move. We are so happy they have a job and a darling little house, but it was such a blessing when they lived here to be able to stop in and visit or have lunch together. We will miss them being in the valley. Who is going to pull funny faces and make us laugh?!
A 2020 celebration..... I'm totally up for it! Where shall we go.... Nauvoo?? Zion's Park?? Disneyland?? Oregon Coast?? We're accepting any and all suggestions!!
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Manning Moments
So I think we win for being the blog slackers of the century! I love to read your posts on my phone but I have this thing about getting the computer out to post something because it takes too long on my phone. It's called lazy.
Anyway, as you all know, we have officially moved to American Fork. The move went smoothly thanks to mom for all her help. Nick was at work meetings the week we moved so I was pretty needy. But we are mostly unpacked and we love our little house so much. Wesley has been so happy prancing around his new kingdom and making sure the ceiling fans are always going and the garage goes up and down every time we go outside. Mom and dad came down a couple days after we moved in and we whipped out a garden in no time. We have a nice sized yard and a big garden space and so dad brought the tiller and we got everything planted in one afternoon. Everything is now popping up and we are so excited! Family is so great! It was fun having Emma come down and spend the day and she was so helpful in organizing a few more projects.
Nick is enjoying work a lot and we have been able to get to know the faculty a little better with some social events. The principle is Gerald Lund's son and another faculty member is related to one of the seventy. The area director is Brother Wilcox. This is a little different than Preston...
One highlight this past week was going to watch Thomas in Tarzan. Wow! It was amazing! The set, the acting, singing, everything was incredible! Thomas was the best of all.
Well, we are excited to see you all at our place at some point in the near future. I also like Ruth's idea of a 2020 event. I would also suggest a surprise 60th for our Padre. Thoughts? Suggestions?
Anyway, as you all know, we have officially moved to American Fork. The move went smoothly thanks to mom for all her help. Nick was at work meetings the week we moved so I was pretty needy. But we are mostly unpacked and we love our little house so much. Wesley has been so happy prancing around his new kingdom and making sure the ceiling fans are always going and the garage goes up and down every time we go outside. Mom and dad came down a couple days after we moved in and we whipped out a garden in no time. We have a nice sized yard and a big garden space and so dad brought the tiller and we got everything planted in one afternoon. Everything is now popping up and we are so excited! Family is so great! It was fun having Emma come down and spend the day and she was so helpful in organizing a few more projects.
Nick is enjoying work a lot and we have been able to get to know the faculty a little better with some social events. The principle is Gerald Lund's son and another faculty member is related to one of the seventy. The area director is Brother Wilcox. This is a little different than Preston...
One highlight this past week was going to watch Thomas in Tarzan. Wow! It was amazing! The set, the acting, singing, everything was incredible! Thomas was the best of all.
Well, we are excited to see you all at our place at some point in the near future. I also like Ruth's idea of a 2020 event. I would also suggest a surprise 60th for our Padre. Thoughts? Suggestions?
Flake Fun - Finally!
25 June 2017 - We have been such slackers in writing! Apologies for that. Things have been really busy and hot here. Which is evident by the sad state of our garden. We did get out and do some watering and weeding yesterday so it is looking a bit better to start this week off.
I started my new job as finance manager on the 12th and so far it is going well. The new health director is a dynamite guy who isn't afraid to get his hands dirty (and he has had to quite a few times already). He has a great vision for where the health department needs to go and it will be an adventure to get there. The financial affairs seem to be a mess but we are working to improve that and bring things into compliance. Things for Scott are pretty busy too with the end of the fiscal year coming up.
Things are progressing on the house. We have a goal to have it rent-able by July 1st so we buckled down and got the tile down yesterday. Now we just have to paint, grout, finish hauling away garbage and deep clean. The smell is almost gone which is really nice. Hopefully the paint sealer and paint will help with the rest of it.
We did some branding last week. Word of advice if any of you decide to become ranchers...don't wait until June to brand your calves. We were branding some that weighted 250-300 pounds! That is a lot of calf to wrestle when you are trying to give them shots, ear tag them and brand them!
I liked Ruth's idea of a big adventure gathering in 2020. Has anyone had thoughts about what that might be? We thought a dude ranch experience might be fun...
Emma, you are welcome here any time. I would suggest you wait a month or so though because it is excruciatingly hot!
Well, I guess I better go figure out breakfast so we can get ready for church! Love you all and hope you have a great week!
I started my new job as finance manager on the 12th and so far it is going well. The new health director is a dynamite guy who isn't afraid to get his hands dirty (and he has had to quite a few times already). He has a great vision for where the health department needs to go and it will be an adventure to get there. The financial affairs seem to be a mess but we are working to improve that and bring things into compliance. Things for Scott are pretty busy too with the end of the fiscal year coming up.
Things are progressing on the house. We have a goal to have it rent-able by July 1st so we buckled down and got the tile down yesterday. Now we just have to paint, grout, finish hauling away garbage and deep clean. The smell is almost gone which is really nice. Hopefully the paint sealer and paint will help with the rest of it.
We did some branding last week. Word of advice if any of you decide to become ranchers...don't wait until June to brand your calves. We were branding some that weighted 250-300 pounds! That is a lot of calf to wrestle when you are trying to give them shots, ear tag them and brand them!
I liked Ruth's idea of a big adventure gathering in 2020. Has anyone had thoughts about what that might be? We thought a dude ranch experience might be fun...
Emma, you are welcome here any time. I would suggest you wait a month or so though because it is excruciatingly hot!
Well, I guess I better go figure out breakfast so we can get ready for church! Love you all and hope you have a great week!
...And Loving It
Hola Familia. I just want to say that I love you guys so mucho mucho;) I think I've seen almost everyone in the family this week and it's the greatest thing ever!
Hey, so I have a busy summer, but when I don't have work, band, or dance, I'd love to see you guys. I went to Yanny's new house on Wednesday and we made cookies and partied which was really fun, so if there's a week in the summer that works best for you, let me know and I'd love to come and play with your kids or chill out with my siblings, work in the yard or do just about anything. Just let me know if you want me to come and when it'll work for you!
Summer has been really busy but pretty good. Band seems to be going well. I'm the Visual, Marching, Movement and Drill instructor, Assistant Director. So yeah... I'm kind of a big deal.... ;) It's really fun to be working with a new band director and staff (the old one moved to a new high school they just built). The Director, Mr. Carpenter, and his wife are expecting twins in the very middle of our competition season, so if Mr. Carpenter is called away, we get to figure out how to do all the staff things, but also we actually have to look like we know what we're doing. I did not sign up for this adult life... Anyway, our show should be really fun. It's called The Hero's Journey and the music is really fun. We have a ballad in the meter of a tango, and I get to choreograph a tango for seven couples to do. It'll be way fun!
It's been fun to work at Love To Cook. If any of you ever need any cooking things, I can get y'all a pretty good price on it ;) dad wants mom to get a $140 electric pressure cooker and I can get it for her for $90. It's really fun to work with great discounts, but also, I don't have a house of my own, and my hope chest can only hold so much, so unfortunately I can't really buy a lot of stuff :( We have a new owner at the store, Wil, and he reminds me exactly of Alex. Type One to the core, super out going, and an entrepreneur. Fun Fact: he spells his name with one L, Wil, and his son's name is Liam. That way it spells William.
Unfortunately the Hart's don't believe me, but I swear to you that Cache Valley has fireflies. They live out in Newton and by Renegade Sports, so if any of you are around at 9:30, fireflies will appear for the next week or so! I went with a friend one night and it was AWESOME! I don't remember a lot about our trips to Iowa and Illinois, but I do remember the fireflies and they are super cool.
Anyway, that's all for now. Love you all loads and loads and I'm excited to see you over the summer!
Hey, so I have a busy summer, but when I don't have work, band, or dance, I'd love to see you guys. I went to Yanny's new house on Wednesday and we made cookies and partied which was really fun, so if there's a week in the summer that works best for you, let me know and I'd love to come and play with your kids or chill out with my siblings, work in the yard or do just about anything. Just let me know if you want me to come and when it'll work for you!
Summer has been really busy but pretty good. Band seems to be going well. I'm the Visual, Marching, Movement and Drill instructor, Assistant Director. So yeah... I'm kind of a big deal.... ;) It's really fun to be working with a new band director and staff (the old one moved to a new high school they just built). The Director, Mr. Carpenter, and his wife are expecting twins in the very middle of our competition season, so if Mr. Carpenter is called away, we get to figure out how to do all the staff things, but also we actually have to look like we know what we're doing. I did not sign up for this adult life... Anyway, our show should be really fun. It's called The Hero's Journey and the music is really fun. We have a ballad in the meter of a tango, and I get to choreograph a tango for seven couples to do. It'll be way fun!
It's been fun to work at Love To Cook. If any of you ever need any cooking things, I can get y'all a pretty good price on it ;) dad wants mom to get a $140 electric pressure cooker and I can get it for her for $90. It's really fun to work with great discounts, but also, I don't have a house of my own, and my hope chest can only hold so much, so unfortunately I can't really buy a lot of stuff :( We have a new owner at the store, Wil, and he reminds me exactly of Alex. Type One to the core, super out going, and an entrepreneur. Fun Fact: he spells his name with one L, Wil, and his son's name is Liam. That way it spells William.
Unfortunately the Hart's don't believe me, but I swear to you that Cache Valley has fireflies. They live out in Newton and by Renegade Sports, so if any of you are around at 9:30, fireflies will appear for the next week or so! I went with a friend one night and it was AWESOME! I don't remember a lot about our trips to Iowa and Illinois, but I do remember the fireflies and they are super cool.
Anyway, that's all for now. Love you all loads and loads and I'm excited to see you over the summer!
Sunday, June 18, 2017
Hart Happenings
Happy Father's Day to all you menfolk! You are great! Thanks for being such good examples to my boys of what men should be. They watch you and talk about you often.
We are full-on in summer mode here. We have had a lot of company lately which has been fun! Alex's family came from out of town for a baptism and the whole crew decided to gather. It doesn't happen very often, but I am grateful that everyone makes an effort to get together when they can. Family is so important!
After the hordes cleared out we were able to make some more progress on our chicken coop project (done) and our garden beds (almost done). It will be nice to check those off our list.
Ian and Jack started a summer coding class at the library and are loving it. Peter and I use that time to go on dates.
I think this will probably be known as the summer of Harry Potter. Ian started reading the books and then convinced Jack to start listening to the audiobooks so they could play Harry Potter together. They are now both fully engaged and run around with wands casting spells all day and keeping a watch out for He who must not be named.
I had a really enjoyable time at my book club last night. We just finished reading Okay for Now by Gary Schmidt, which was amazing! I read it on a recommendation from my favorite librarian after a conversation we had about James Audubon. It was sooooo good that I immediately called all my book club ladies and asked if they would read it so I would have someone to talk to about it. We had a great discussion and all agreed that it was such a well-written book and that we all felt like we were better people after having read it. It is such a relief to me to find Young Adult fiction these days that is hopeful and inspiring. I'm glad to look forward to sharing it with my boys in a couple of years.
Hope all is well with you! We're harvesting radishes, lettuce, and kale from the garden. Hopefully the peas will come on in the next couple of week!
See you sometime!
We are full-on in summer mode here. We have had a lot of company lately which has been fun! Alex's family came from out of town for a baptism and the whole crew decided to gather. It doesn't happen very often, but I am grateful that everyone makes an effort to get together when they can. Family is so important!
After the hordes cleared out we were able to make some more progress on our chicken coop project (done) and our garden beds (almost done). It will be nice to check those off our list.
Ian and Jack started a summer coding class at the library and are loving it. Peter and I use that time to go on dates.
I think this will probably be known as the summer of Harry Potter. Ian started reading the books and then convinced Jack to start listening to the audiobooks so they could play Harry Potter together. They are now both fully engaged and run around with wands casting spells all day and keeping a watch out for He who must not be named.
I had a really enjoyable time at my book club last night. We just finished reading Okay for Now by Gary Schmidt, which was amazing! I read it on a recommendation from my favorite librarian after a conversation we had about James Audubon. It was sooooo good that I immediately called all my book club ladies and asked if they would read it so I would have someone to talk to about it. We had a great discussion and all agreed that it was such a well-written book and that we all felt like we were better people after having read it. It is such a relief to me to find Young Adult fiction these days that is hopeful and inspiring. I'm glad to look forward to sharing it with my boys in a couple of years.
Hope all is well with you! We're harvesting radishes, lettuce, and kale from the garden. Hopefully the peas will come on in the next couple of week!
See you sometime!
Nilsson News
Happy Father's day! The men in this family are the best of the best! So glad I know you! This week proved to be quite productive. It rained the first couple of days which thrilled Addy because we could start work on her bedroom. It is very hard for me to want to be indoors when the weather is nice so we always wait for contrary weather. On Tuesday the kids and I took a quick trip to Hyde Park to visit Becca. It is much easier to drive 2 1/2 hours rather than 15. It was a very short visit but fun nonetheless. I wish we could have seen the Mannings one last time before they moved but we wish them the best. The moving process is no fun, but once your settled it is pretty enjoyable.
We had leftover paint from the girl's bedroom project so I decided to paint our dark and dreary entryway to make it more light and welcoming. It looks amazing! Glad it's done.
Garrett started work on the treehouse yesterday! We have the platforms up and half of the floor. I never thought I'd be able to say this in regards to a project, but it is going much faster than we thought and it has cost us nothing! Gotta love recycled materials! That is our week. I would like to get some pictures uploaded but I need to figure that out first. Have a lovely Sabbath!
We had leftover paint from the girl's bedroom project so I decided to paint our dark and dreary entryway to make it more light and welcoming. It looks amazing! Glad it's done.
Garrett started work on the treehouse yesterday! We have the platforms up and half of the floor. I never thought I'd be able to say this in regards to a project, but it is going much faster than we thought and it has cost us nothing! Gotta love recycled materials! That is our week. I would like to get some pictures uploaded but I need to figure that out first. Have a lovely Sabbath!
Sunday, June 11, 2017
Nilsson News
Addy turned ten! That was definitely the highlight of our week. She had a friends birthday party where they made fairy gardens, played outside games and had a tea party. Grandma and Emma came up and rescued the frenzied mother. Grandma watched Millie and Emma was in charge of the tea party. She is a culinary artist extraordinaire! You should definitely hire her on for any kind of food presentation you may have. Totally amazing! As Addy's gift from us we gave her the supplies to do a bedroom makeover. Where the time to do that will come from I do not know but we will figure it out.
Yesterday was oh so productive! Garrett took off the other "wing" of our sunroom and it has made a huge difference in our living room and downstairs. Let the light shine in! With that project done we now have the supplies to build our treehouse. We will be starting on that this week. All of our seedlings have popped through the ground and all our plants that are under plastic are thriving. We have had a few days of pretty cold weather and not a one has drooped. Plastic is magic!
Today I was reminded of how little I know as a parent. Today Emerson came out of his room wearing shorts and so I tried to explain that it probably wasn't the most appropriate thing to wear to church. Then, Eliza brought her spaghetti strap dress out and wanted to wear it. I told her she could wear it with a shirt under it. She did not like that idea and said that it was just like her swimming suit. So, how do you explain to a four year that her swimsuit is considered modest and yet her dress is not? Kids are so intelligent. Why do we have to lose all our brain cells right before they're born? Sure doesn't help any!
Anyway, love you all and hope you are enjoying your summer!
Yesterday was oh so productive! Garrett took off the other "wing" of our sunroom and it has made a huge difference in our living room and downstairs. Let the light shine in! With that project done we now have the supplies to build our treehouse. We will be starting on that this week. All of our seedlings have popped through the ground and all our plants that are under plastic are thriving. We have had a few days of pretty cold weather and not a one has drooped. Plastic is magic!
Today I was reminded of how little I know as a parent. Today Emerson came out of his room wearing shorts and so I tried to explain that it probably wasn't the most appropriate thing to wear to church. Then, Eliza brought her spaghetti strap dress out and wanted to wear it. I told her she could wear it with a shirt under it. She did not like that idea and said that it was just like her swimming suit. So, how do you explain to a four year that her swimsuit is considered modest and yet her dress is not? Kids are so intelligent. Why do we have to lose all our brain cells right before they're born? Sure doesn't help any!
Anyway, love you all and hope you are enjoying your summer!
Sunday, June 4, 2017
Art City Days
This next week is Art City Days here is Springville. It started yesterday with the 5K that we do every year. Grace, Grant and Joe ran and finished in 46:09. Grace was the winner by .01 seconds. If anyone wants to join us for the festivities this coming week, feel free to come down.
Grace and Grant both had to get Fidget Spinners after the family gathering so they did extra chores every day to earn some money and each bought one yesterday. They have been playing with them non stop ever since.
It was great to have Jenn and Scott here on their way back to Arizona. Lori had the great idea to put the new garage lights up while Scott was here and he was kind enough to teach me how to do it. I hope they still want to come even though there's always some home repair that Scott ends up helping us with every time they come. I promise that's the last one...
The gathering was great! I'm going to have Grant teach me how to meditate. Thanks to everyone for making the effort to be there. It was so fun catching up with everyone and playing.
Flake Fun
4 June 2017 - We arrived back in Snowflake safe and sound on Tuesday. Thanks a bunch to the Springville Belliston family for hosting us on Monday night. We both enjoyed the gathering immensely. I think the Olympics were a highlight for us as well as playing with the kiddos, chatting with everyone and planting potatoes with Dad. I am already planning my new landscaping!!!
We couldn't bring ourselves to visit the house on Tuesday but we went over Wednesday night and confirmed that it was as bad as we remembered it to be. I spent basically all of Friday wiping down walls, picking up garbage and trying to air out the place as much as possible. On Saturday we did a huge trash pick up with the help of two wonderful neighbors and the Elders. They were an immense help and were hilarious! After 2-3 hours we had filled the bed of the pickup (past the cab and topped with a mattress) and a large trailer with garbage and other junk that they had left on the property. It came out to 0.66 TONS of garbage at the dump. And there is still a pile in the back yard and a full garbage can waiting to be picked up. But it gave us hope that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
We had a carpet installer come and he is working on an estimate for replacing the carpet (he seemed to be in a BIG hurry to leave - due to the smell I think). We also got an estimate from a carpet cleaner who said that removing the carpet is the only way to get rid of the smell completely (as long as it hasn't seeped into the subfloor) but it would cost about $800 to clean the carpets. So we are still in talks about what we are going to do. Should have it all figured out by this weekend.
The weather has been wonderful. We bought some goldfish yesterday and put them in the watering tanks outside. They keep the bugs down and eat mosquito eggs...and they are fun to watch!
Our garden is trying to recuperate and we are hopeful that the tomatoes will pull through. We have potatoes, corn, cucumbers, zucchini and some beans up. Something has eaten our peppers but we have 3 extras so we'll hopefully be replacing them soon.
Hope you all have a great week!
We couldn't bring ourselves to visit the house on Tuesday but we went over Wednesday night and confirmed that it was as bad as we remembered it to be. I spent basically all of Friday wiping down walls, picking up garbage and trying to air out the place as much as possible. On Saturday we did a huge trash pick up with the help of two wonderful neighbors and the Elders. They were an immense help and were hilarious! After 2-3 hours we had filled the bed of the pickup (past the cab and topped with a mattress) and a large trailer with garbage and other junk that they had left on the property. It came out to 0.66 TONS of garbage at the dump. And there is still a pile in the back yard and a full garbage can waiting to be picked up. But it gave us hope that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
We had a carpet installer come and he is working on an estimate for replacing the carpet (he seemed to be in a BIG hurry to leave - due to the smell I think). We also got an estimate from a carpet cleaner who said that removing the carpet is the only way to get rid of the smell completely (as long as it hasn't seeped into the subfloor) but it would cost about $800 to clean the carpets. So we are still in talks about what we are going to do. Should have it all figured out by this weekend.
The weather has been wonderful. We bought some goldfish yesterday and put them in the watering tanks outside. They keep the bugs down and eat mosquito eggs...and they are fun to watch!
Our garden is trying to recuperate and we are hopeful that the tomatoes will pull through. We have potatoes, corn, cucumbers, zucchini and some beans up. Something has eaten our peppers but we have 3 extras so we'll hopefully be replacing them soon.
Hope you all have a great week!
Hart Happenings
What a week! What a short week! Must say, the gathering was a blast. It was so fun to see the pictures you posted, Mom. My favorite was Nick wearing a that hat! Some of my favorite memories were watching Peter and Grant play together, talking to Lauren and Nick about their new house, listening to Garrett and Joe play the guitar and ukulele, beautifying Emma (didn't take much), staying up late talking with Jenn and Scott at the sleeper house, playing Things with Grace, and the Olympics at the park. The boys loved the tug of war and all the fun pioneer games. The ultimate frisbee game was so fun. I call being on Nick's team whenever we play.
Everything else seems so mundane and day to day after such a gathering. But work progresses on the garden space and chicken coop. Things are picking up for the rental house project too. We are putting an offer on an old mansion that has been converted into apartments that we want o renovate and turn into furnished mid-term units for contract workers who come to stay for 6 weeks - 6 months. It should be an adventure!
Jack has one soccer game left. They tied their last one, which drove him crazy. He was really hoping for overtime, but no luck.
The boys are doing their gardening class and things are starting to grow!
We are so glad that the Idaho Falls temple has been finished and rededicated. It opens for service on Tuesday and Alex and I have committed to going once a week too! Ian and Jack really enjoyed being able to attend the open house and today, the dedication. It was their first one! Hopefully not their last as temples keep being built all over.
Thanks everyone for coming to the gathering! So great to be together. No other crew I would rather spend time with.
Everything else seems so mundane and day to day after such a gathering. But work progresses on the garden space and chicken coop. Things are picking up for the rental house project too. We are putting an offer on an old mansion that has been converted into apartments that we want o renovate and turn into furnished mid-term units for contract workers who come to stay for 6 weeks - 6 months. It should be an adventure!
Jack has one soccer game left. They tied their last one, which drove him crazy. He was really hoping for overtime, but no luck.
The boys are doing their gardening class and things are starting to grow!
We are so glad that the Idaho Falls temple has been finished and rededicated. It opens for service on Tuesday and Alex and I have committed to going once a week too! Ian and Jack really enjoyed being able to attend the open house and today, the dedication. It was their first one! Hopefully not their last as temples keep being built all over.
Thanks everyone for coming to the gathering! So great to be together. No other crew I would rather spend time with.
Nilsson News
Oh what fun it is to gather together! Other than the sick episodes that seemed to come and go, the gathering couldn't have been better! I don't know why I was thinking about this, but I thought that we need to do a big to do in 2020 (that's just three years folks!) in honor of the opening of the great time capsule that we put together in 2000. It would be fun to make another one with all the grandkids involved. Just thinking...
So we got home and got to work. We were able to get the rest of the garden planted. I put the plastic out and planted our tomatoes and watermelon. It is interesting to note the magic of said plastic. None of the plants that we put in it experienced any kind of planting shock. Our other transplants however, suffered for a few days. We will let you know how it progresses. It feels like summer has finally arrived here in the far north. There is a lot on the to do list so anyone who is feeling like they are lacking in a to do list can come up this direction and we will put you to work!
Our temple was dedicated today! Garrett was heavily involved with the youth cultural celebration on Friday and Saturday. I don't know how you would even attempt to organize something with 15,000 teenagers. Somehow it came together and was quite the production! This morning and afternoon we were able to attend the dedication sessions with President Eyring. Again, I have greater resolve to attend the temple more regularly. I've discovered that if we don't write down when we are going to attend and make it a priority, it doesn't happen. Garrett and I are going to start going weekly because I was reminded during the dedication that as we go to the temple we are not only blessed in the service we do there but in every aspect of our lives. We need all the help we can get!
Sure love you family! We need to play again real soon!
Mom, it would be fun to see the pictures of everyone I think.
So we got home and got to work. We were able to get the rest of the garden planted. I put the plastic out and planted our tomatoes and watermelon. It is interesting to note the magic of said plastic. None of the plants that we put in it experienced any kind of planting shock. Our other transplants however, suffered for a few days. We will let you know how it progresses. It feels like summer has finally arrived here in the far north. There is a lot on the to do list so anyone who is feeling like they are lacking in a to do list can come up this direction and we will put you to work!
Our temple was dedicated today! Garrett was heavily involved with the youth cultural celebration on Friday and Saturday. I don't know how you would even attempt to organize something with 15,000 teenagers. Somehow it came together and was quite the production! This morning and afternoon we were able to attend the dedication sessions with President Eyring. Again, I have greater resolve to attend the temple more regularly. I've discovered that if we don't write down when we are going to attend and make it a priority, it doesn't happen. Garrett and I are going to start going weekly because I was reminded during the dedication that as we go to the temple we are not only blessed in the service we do there but in every aspect of our lives. We need all the help we can get!
Sure love you family! We need to play again real soon!
Mom, it would be fun to see the pictures of everyone I think.
Gathering Recap
Belliston Family Gathering - 2017
May 26 - 29 (Memorial Day weekend)
"Learn a Thing or Two"
Oh my, it's a little too quiet around here! We cleaned up the house right after the last family members left, just to have something to keep our minds off the quiet!
It was so good to have you all here, to play, talk, eat, play some more, and even get a little sleep. Thanks very much for making the effort to come and to participate in the plans. We keep our fingers crossed that we can have "Gatherings" for many years to come.
I was trying to think of my favorite memories of this gathering, but I couldn't really choose one or two - it was all so great! I guess I especially liked the visiting and watching the grandchildren play - but those are always my favorite parts :)
Not much has happened since. I keep thinking of ideas for next time....
These shots capture a few of my favorite feelings about our family (you're going to love the one of Grant!):
Maybe Grant can give a "Learning Session" at the next Gathering! |
At least he was here :) |
![]() |
Some stiff competition! |
Lovely - thanks to all the help she had! Can you see how delighted she was for the attention of all her sisters?! |
Cutest grandkids ever! |
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"Pull.. Pull.. Pull...." (Wise words from Nick) |
Let's have another recording session! |
I never really thought we'd all grow up.... |
We've got to get this same shot every year! It's my very favorite! |
Couldn't ask for better in-laws! Love you all!! |
'nuff said.... |
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