31 January 2016 - This week has been pretty good. The weather has been cold but sunny. Right now the wind is blowing like crazy. We had a road runner visit our backyard the other day which was fun.
Scott spent some time in Phoenix this week on business. I had a 2 day long training on mass care coordination. So, work was good. They are still doing construction on the government complex so both Scott and I are in office limbo which is hard on productivity levels.
Yesterday we spent the day helping with the siding at TJ's. We got most of a wall done. Building a house takes a VERY long time, especially if you are doing things yourself. Just FYI in case anyone is thinking of building in the near future!
That is what has been going on in Arizona! Hope everyone has a great week! Can't wait to see everyone soon!
Sunday, January 31, 2016
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Nilsson News
Well, Garrett let out the word to the ward today. He was advised by the Stake President to hold off telling only a few people at a time and just announce our move at the end of sacrament meeting. It was a very stressful thing for Garrett, trying to come up with the right words to say so as to not offend anyone. It is interesting how many people think that if you have certain callings, like bishop, you are not allowed to move. Everyone was very complimentary and kind and they all had wonderful things to say about Idaho Falls. We are getting excited! Garrett's start date is March 12th but we are still unsure about whether we will all be up there by that time. We are considering having a contractor come and finish up the basement bedrooms. We still need to find out if it would increase the value of our home enough to make it worth it.
The house hunting continues. Our criteria is, no exceeding our price, at least one acre of land, at least two bathrooms and Garrett says at least within 10 miles of his work. Doesn't that encompass the entire city? This really makes me all sorts of nervous but I just hope someone is praying us to where we need to be. For the next little while, this is most likely all you will hear about. I'll end with some of the pictures we took recently.

The house hunting continues. Our criteria is, no exceeding our price, at least one acre of land, at least two bathrooms and Garrett says at least within 10 miles of his work. Doesn't that encompass the entire city? This really makes me all sorts of nervous but I just hope someone is praying us to where we need to be. For the next little while, this is most likely all you will hear about. I'll end with some of the pictures we took recently.

Hart Happenings
This is Ian: at my singing class this week it was Opposite Day! It was weird,when my teacher said hello she said goodbye and when she said goodbye she said hello! Today Peter gave his first article of faith In sunbeams! He did so good! Jack just lost his tooth on Friday! For movie night we watched seven brides for seven brothers for the first time! Our grandparents that were on a mission just came back from Thailand! So we were at our cousins house just playing around when all of a sudden our grandparents just walked threw the door! It was a surprise!
Elise now:
This week was nice. The boys finished their snow fort and slide that they've been working on. I've never seen anything like it!
We got to go on a fun field trip to the library with our homeschooling group and play with their KEVA planks. There are pictures of what the boys built as a collaborative effort between them and another boy.
Our good friends, the Cronins, are moving back up here from Logan and actually bought a house across the street from Alex's aunt and uncle and will be in the same ward as them and Alex's grandma. Small world! We got to have dinner with Chad this week and we're so excited for the whole family to join them.
In my book club this month we are reading The Rent Collector. It is such a good perspective building book. I highly recommend it! To everyone. Seriously. Go read it.
Hyde Park Happiness
Two births took out much of this week. One was very long and ended up at the hospital so the mom could get an epidural. Just what she needed - pushed the baby out shortly afterward and was very happy with her experience. On Thursday, Emma and I went to Ogden/Layton. The plan was to drop the quilt off that I've been making for Victoria and Thomas to a machine quilter in Wellsville, then go help Ruth get her basement cleaned up a little in preparation for getting organized to move. I also had to do a prenatal visit at the birth center. Lastly, Emma and I were going to look for dresses for Thomas' wedding. Well, it took much longer to finish the quilt than anticipated, so we left several hours late and couldn't drop off the quilt on the way down. I went to the birth center while Emma went to play with the Nilssons for a few minutes before returning to pick me up. We went to the mall on the way to Ruth's to peek at dresses, but while there I received a call that a mom was in labor in Logan. We rushed back to Ruth's to pick Chester up, put gas in the car and headed back home. No looking at dresses; no helping Ruth. We did drop the quilt off on the way into Cache Valley. I took Emma home and grabbed some things to go to the birth. Got home at 2:00 a.m. after a lovely birth. We hope to try again this week to get to Ruth's house to help out - but there's another mom due this week....
When there is much to do, the time goes quickly! But the quilt is nearly finished, the bridal shower is planned (you should all get an invitation this week), the wedding gift has been purchased and will be delivered to the apartment tomorrow, Thomas is nearly moved out and has been staying in the apartment in North Logan, and the announcements are almost all sent. What a whirlwind this month has been! But it's nice to have something worthwhile to spend time doing. Next thing on the list is clean the house!
Dad is on his way to Salt Lake tomorrow for a three day conference. That leaves just Emma and me and Chester home. Strange. We'll likely have a party! Anyone who wants to may join us :-)
When there is much to do, the time goes quickly! But the quilt is nearly finished, the bridal shower is planned (you should all get an invitation this week), the wedding gift has been purchased and will be delivered to the apartment tomorrow, Thomas is nearly moved out and has been staying in the apartment in North Logan, and the announcements are almost all sent. What a whirlwind this month has been! But it's nice to have something worthwhile to spend time doing. Next thing on the list is clean the house!
Dad is on his way to Salt Lake tomorrow for a three day conference. That leaves just Emma and me and Chester home. Strange. We'll likely have a party! Anyone who wants to may join us :-)
Manning Musings
Well I have not been the most exceptional blogger since school started and before that too! But school did start and it has been a lot more manageable and relaxed than last semester. Nick has a much lighter schedule and I am only teaching one section twice a week. So we are very happy about that. Nick was given the option to student teach seminary this semester which is what we have been wanting but we couldn't seem to find a time every day that would work. So after a lot of thought and prayer we decided to refuse the offer and hope that the opportunity comes in the fall.
Funny story of the week: We have been taking Sher Anderson's birthing class which is excellent and very informative. She talked about Cayenne pepper being a great source that helps with picking up iron and blood clotting. So I decided to make a Cayenne/Apple Cider Vinegar/Honey concoction yesterday. I knew Nick would like it because he loves hot and spicy things. As I was measuring the water and honey, Nick was opening the Vinegar. He asked, "so do you like this stuff?" I thought he was talking about the concoction but he was talking about the vinegar and so I said, "yes, I've acquired a taste for it." The next thing I knew, Nick was spewing vinegar everywhere and sputtering! Once I realized what happened I have to say I couldn't stop laughing! He really is not afraid to try anything edible and maybe not so edible so I need to be careful about that. The burn subsided after adequate amounts of water were consumed but I think it had an effect because he called it his near death experience.
So that is the excitement at the Manning house!
Funny story of the week: We have been taking Sher Anderson's birthing class which is excellent and very informative. She talked about Cayenne pepper being a great source that helps with picking up iron and blood clotting. So I decided to make a Cayenne/Apple Cider Vinegar/Honey concoction yesterday. I knew Nick would like it because he loves hot and spicy things. As I was measuring the water and honey, Nick was opening the Vinegar. He asked, "so do you like this stuff?" I thought he was talking about the concoction but he was talking about the vinegar and so I said, "yes, I've acquired a taste for it." The next thing I knew, Nick was spewing vinegar everywhere and sputtering! Once I realized what happened I have to say I couldn't stop laughing! He really is not afraid to try anything edible and maybe not so edible so I need to be careful about that. The burn subsided after adequate amounts of water were consumed but I think it had an effect because he called it his near death experience.
So that is the excitement at the Manning house!
Flake Fun
24 January 2016 - This week has been a good one but nothing much of consequence happened. Yesterday and Friday we helped TJ start on the house wrap and siding for his home. It will be a long project but since the drywall installers will be working inside all of next week, there isn't much for us to do on the inside!
The pinewood derby was yesterday. Perhaps I have already told you but there is a man in our stake that runs all of the pinewood derbies for us. He sets up his top of the line, 4-lane track with a laser finish line. There is another guy who sets up his racing software that runs the brackets and final scores. And they always include a "guest" competitor. This year it was Kung Fu Panda. He did some martial arts moves with the scouts and then they raced. Panda's car was the slowest but he had fun anyway.
My in-laws spoke in church today and it was a great meeting. Dona spoke about being kind and how much of a difference that can make in the lives of those around you. Randy spoke about the miracles of Christ. But not in the traditional sense. He related a very moving story from his personal life about how President Kimball's successful heart surgery personally impacted him (Randy).
The ward elders also spoke. One, Elder Anderson, has been in our ward for about 5 months. Transfers came yesterday and he is being transferred.....to Taylor!!! For those of you who don't remember or know, Taylor is the next town over...literally less than a mile from our house!
Well we hope that you all have a great week. Can't wait to hear updates from everyone!
The pinewood derby was yesterday. Perhaps I have already told you but there is a man in our stake that runs all of the pinewood derbies for us. He sets up his top of the line, 4-lane track with a laser finish line. There is another guy who sets up his racing software that runs the brackets and final scores. And they always include a "guest" competitor. This year it was Kung Fu Panda. He did some martial arts moves with the scouts and then they raced. Panda's car was the slowest but he had fun anyway.
My in-laws spoke in church today and it was a great meeting. Dona spoke about being kind and how much of a difference that can make in the lives of those around you. Randy spoke about the miracles of Christ. But not in the traditional sense. He related a very moving story from his personal life about how President Kimball's successful heart surgery personally impacted him (Randy).
The ward elders also spoke. One, Elder Anderson, has been in our ward for about 5 months. Transfers came yesterday and he is being transferred.....to Taylor!!! For those of you who don't remember or know, Taylor is the next town over...literally less than a mile from our house!
Well we hope that you all have a great week. Can't wait to hear updates from everyone!
Sunday, January 17, 2016
From Hyde Park
It's interesting how quickly one's perspective of what's important can change. I was watching a documentary on birth in the U.S. while working on a quilt last Monday when I got a call informing me that Danton Balls had passed away unexpectedly at his home that afternoon. Danton is about Lauren's age, maybe a year older. Dan and Jan Balls both have callings in Dad's YSA stake and have been our friends for a couple of decades and we have mourned for them and with them this week. Yesterday there was a viewing then a short program for immediate family, then they went to the cemetery for a short dedication of the grave and to release some balloons. Though very hard and sad, there was a distinct peace throughout the day, and throughout the week, really. What a great blessing the gospel is at times like this, a sweet mercy to those whose hearts are heavy and who seek comfort and peace. Although they understand The Plan and are quick to acknowledge the help they've received, prayers for the Balls family would be appreciated.
Dad and Emma are recovering from illness. Dad has been watching the presidential debates with great interest. Not sure who to vote for yet. Thomas is getting things ready to move into the apartment he and Victoria will be living in. I'm finding more to do than can possibly get done. Things are moving forward for the wedding. We have enjoyed several storms this week, with snow about every other day. We are glad for it! All is well.
In Sacrament Meeting today, one speaker talked about becoming. She said, "Many of us have set some goals for the new year, or at least have made some lists of things to do this year. How many of us have made a list of what to be?" That was an interesting thought. Perhaps I'll write down two lists: Things to Do and Things to Be. I hope I can make some progress on accomplishing something on both lists!
Watch for the 2016 Predictions to be posted later today....
Love you all! Have a lovely week!
Dad and Emma are recovering from illness. Dad has been watching the presidential debates with great interest. Not sure who to vote for yet. Thomas is getting things ready to move into the apartment he and Victoria will be living in. I'm finding more to do than can possibly get done. Things are moving forward for the wedding. We have enjoyed several storms this week, with snow about every other day. We are glad for it! All is well.
In Sacrament Meeting today, one speaker talked about becoming. She said, "Many of us have set some goals for the new year, or at least have made some lists of things to do this year. How many of us have made a list of what to be?" That was an interesting thought. Perhaps I'll write down two lists: Things to Do and Things to Be. I hope I can make some progress on accomplishing something on both lists!
Watch for the 2016 Predictions to be posted later today....
Love you all! Have a lovely week!
Flake Fun
17 January 2016 - This has been a very typical week. Wake up, go to work, come home, go to sleep.
The one thing that was out of the ordinary was that it snowed on Friday. It was a good, wet, heavy snow and it stuck around for a couple of days. There are still small patches of snow on the ground.
Scott finished up a woodworking project (a lockbox) that has been going on for a few weeks and it looks fabulous.
We're happy for the Nilsson's and the new adventure that awaits them! Yeah for the unknown!
I think that is all that we have to report! Hope you all have a great week! Can't wait to see everyone soon!
The one thing that was out of the ordinary was that it snowed on Friday. It was a good, wet, heavy snow and it stuck around for a couple of days. There are still small patches of snow on the ground.
Scott finished up a woodworking project (a lockbox) that has been going on for a few weeks and it looks fabulous.
We're happy for the Nilsson's and the new adventure that awaits them! Yeah for the unknown!
I think that is all that we have to report! Hope you all have a great week! Can't wait to see everyone soon!
Monday, January 11, 2016
Nilsson News
Okay, so I have been a big blogger slacker lately. There is always an excuse but I will spare you those. I think we may actually be getting into a regular routine now that the holidays are past. The last couple of weeks have been rather eventful. Just after new years, Garrett was on his way home from work when his car just shut down. Thankfully, he was safe. He pulled off the freeway and called me and then a tow truck. Come to find out, the timing belt had snapped, thanks to the help of the frigid temperatures we'd had. It is still in the shop, most likely to never to return to our garage. We loved our little CR-V!
We went down to St. George to spend time with Garrett's family since we never got the chance over Christmas or Thanksgiving. We were happy to leave the 3 degree weather and enjoy some time out in the 50's.
I'm sure most of you have heard by now but to confirm any rumors out there, yes, Garrett is possibly going to have a job change and we may relocate to.....Idaho Falls! It really was not in the plan exactly, although we have been feeling a little antsy. Like always with any change there are the pros and the cons. The cons are leaving family, friends, and neighbors, but the pros would be a more affordable home, space and land, work experience outside of Utah, being close to the Harts ;), clean air, slower pace city, no jets flying over at midnight! Garrett's first interview with the regional manager went really well and she told him she would like to hire him for the Idaho Falls and Blackfoot D.I. stores in order to have him help fix some problems. He is good at fixing problems and that is why he was transferred to the Ogden store. This Thursday he has an interview with the head director for the development counselors of D.I. and he is the one who says if it is a yes or a no. We are hoping to know by at least the end of January and when we find out, I will actually have some news for you in this section of Nilsson News.
Happy New Year to all of you (I know I'm a little behind in saying that, but the whole month of January is still the new year according to me)!
We went down to St. George to spend time with Garrett's family since we never got the chance over Christmas or Thanksgiving. We were happy to leave the 3 degree weather and enjoy some time out in the 50's.
I'm sure most of you have heard by now but to confirm any rumors out there, yes, Garrett is possibly going to have a job change and we may relocate to.....Idaho Falls! It really was not in the plan exactly, although we have been feeling a little antsy. Like always with any change there are the pros and the cons. The cons are leaving family, friends, and neighbors, but the pros would be a more affordable home, space and land, work experience outside of Utah, being close to the Harts ;), clean air, slower pace city, no jets flying over at midnight! Garrett's first interview with the regional manager went really well and she told him she would like to hire him for the Idaho Falls and Blackfoot D.I. stores in order to have him help fix some problems. He is good at fixing problems and that is why he was transferred to the Ogden store. This Thursday he has an interview with the head director for the development counselors of D.I. and he is the one who says if it is a yes or a no. We are hoping to know by at least the end of January and when we find out, I will actually have some news for you in this section of Nilsson News.
Happy New Year to all of you (I know I'm a little behind in saying that, but the whole month of January is still the new year according to me)!
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Hyde Park Happiness
Wow! What a wonder Worldwide Devotional we watched tonight! President Russell M. Nelson was speaking from BYU Hawaii, and what an amazing talk it was. He spoke to "the millennials." I'm not exactly sure what that means, but I'm confident that our children and grandchildren are all among that group. Therefore, you should listen to it! He left a blessing upon the millennials that was quite clear and pointed and tender. I hope you get a chance to see and discuss it. It sure clarified some personal objectives I should have for this year, and the future.
Speaking of millennials, Dad found an interesting graphic of life the other day. It really puts things into perspective. I must admit to having tears when I realized the time I have left in this life to be with and enjoy family is not much. I'm really not trying to be dramatic of melancholy, just realistic. You might find it interesting (just ignore all the other graphics on the page): http://www.businessinsider.com/these-graphics-will-make-you-rethink-your-life-2016-1
It may change the way you look at what's important to spend your time doing.
We are in the throes of wedding stuff. Thomas and Victoria are doing the most of the work, and doing a great job of it. They know what they want and have used their time off school to great advantage and have accomplished a lot. They found an apartment, printed announcements, made a wedding movie, and lots of things I am not privy to. We enjoyed having lunch with Victoria's parents, getting acquainted and making some plans with them. Just a few more weeks...
Looking ahead, there are many exciting things coming: a wedding, a baby, possible job changes, possible move to another state... and wonderful things that will remain the same (which is okay!). It will be a great year! Before much more of it passes, send me your predictions for 2016 so we can see what great insights everyone has.
The deer have returned and are feasting upon our compost pile. I hope the fermented apples don't make them too tipsy :) We like watching them and seeing the pheasants, too. I truly like not having to worry about taking tests and writing papers, though I miss the studying. I do enjoy being able to work on long forgotten, as well as new, projects!
Have a lovely week, and stay warm!
Speaking of millennials, Dad found an interesting graphic of life the other day. It really puts things into perspective. I must admit to having tears when I realized the time I have left in this life to be with and enjoy family is not much. I'm really not trying to be dramatic of melancholy, just realistic. You might find it interesting (just ignore all the other graphics on the page): http://www.businessinsider.com/these-graphics-will-make-you-rethink-your-life-2016-1
It may change the way you look at what's important to spend your time doing.
We are in the throes of wedding stuff. Thomas and Victoria are doing the most of the work, and doing a great job of it. They know what they want and have used their time off school to great advantage and have accomplished a lot. They found an apartment, printed announcements, made a wedding movie, and lots of things I am not privy to. We enjoyed having lunch with Victoria's parents, getting acquainted and making some plans with them. Just a few more weeks...
Looking ahead, there are many exciting things coming: a wedding, a baby, possible job changes, possible move to another state... and wonderful things that will remain the same (which is okay!). It will be a great year! Before much more of it passes, send me your predictions for 2016 so we can see what great insights everyone has.
The deer have returned and are feasting upon our compost pile. I hope the fermented apples don't make them too tipsy :) We like watching them and seeing the pheasants, too. I truly like not having to worry about taking tests and writing papers, though I miss the studying. I do enjoy being able to work on long forgotten, as well as new, projects!
Have a lovely week, and stay warm!
Flake Fun
10 Jan 2016 - This weekend was fun and started off with waking up to several inches of snow on Friday morning. It snowed off and on for the rest of the day. Of course, it is all melted now but it was fun while it lasted! Because of the snow, we decided to go snowboarding on Saturday. There were a ton of people but the slopes weren't too crowded which was nice. Scott is pretty good and I am not! But he is patient with me and we worked out a pretty good routine. Of course, we are both sore today after using muscles that haven't been used for a while.
On Friday we decided to make stir fry for dinner and I had hankering for egg rolls. Don't they look yummy?
On Friday we decided to make stir fry for dinner and I had hankering for egg rolls. Don't they look yummy?
The problem was that the grocery store was out of egg rolls wraps, so we got won ton wraps! The result? Bite sized egg rolls!
They were really yummy though!
I think that is about it for our week. Life continues on here in Snowflake. We are anxiously awaiting news of the Nilsson's possible move. Hope all of you are doing well. Can't wait to see you next month!
Monday, January 4, 2016
Happy in Hyde Park
My primary goal for 2016 is to be done with migraines. Having "enjoyed" a doozy of a headache all of New Year's weekend, and still a bit of it hanging on today, I'm ready to call it quits. Done. No more. That's the goal. The remedy? Not quite sure.... Dad is suggesting some magic pills that Dr. Evans can prescribe (he has them specially concocted at the compounding pharmacy), but I'm skeptical. I don't like narcotics and feeling out of control, etc. Maybe I'll try massage....
We loved every moment of our festive holiday time with some, even most, of you! Thanks for making the effort to be here for Thanksgiving, the first annual Belliston Family Christmas party (I'm already scheming for the next one!), and New Year's Day at Carl's. I truly believe that we won't regret getting together as often as we can possibly do it. I was thinking about how many of the family did not come to Carl's party and hope they won't regret not taking the opportunity to be with Grandpa when they could have (after he's gone). I don't want to cause any guilt feelings, I just feel inclined to try to be with my favorite folks, those who are most influential and most important in my life, as often as possible.
There are lots of wonderful things on the calendar for this year - some that we aren't even aware of yet! Can't wait to see what's coming :) I hope we'll be as prepared as the Flakes for the upcoming planting season. We did get our garlic planted, albeit in December, but it's there! That tiller looks amazing!
Peter looks as though he could fit right into the Joe and Lori Belliston family. If you haven't seen their 2015 family video, it's a must! Kids falling asleep in all sorts of places and positions. Delightful!
I'm not thinking very clearly, so I'll sign off. Keep blogging and let us know how the new year is going for you!!
We loved every moment of our festive holiday time with some, even most, of you! Thanks for making the effort to be here for Thanksgiving, the first annual Belliston Family Christmas party (I'm already scheming for the next one!), and New Year's Day at Carl's. I truly believe that we won't regret getting together as often as we can possibly do it. I was thinking about how many of the family did not come to Carl's party and hope they won't regret not taking the opportunity to be with Grandpa when they could have (after he's gone). I don't want to cause any guilt feelings, I just feel inclined to try to be with my favorite folks, those who are most influential and most important in my life, as often as possible.
There are lots of wonderful things on the calendar for this year - some that we aren't even aware of yet! Can't wait to see what's coming :) I hope we'll be as prepared as the Flakes for the upcoming planting season. We did get our garlic planted, albeit in December, but it's there! That tiller looks amazing!
Peter looks as though he could fit right into the Joe and Lori Belliston family. If you haven't seen their 2015 family video, it's a must! Kids falling asleep in all sorts of places and positions. Delightful!
I'm not thinking very clearly, so I'll sign off. Keep blogging and let us know how the new year is going for you!!
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Hart Happenings
Our New Year's celebrations got off to a riotous start at a party we attended at a friend's house in New Year's Eve. The house was crammed with some of the nicest people I've ever met and we just played all night. We can't wait to introduce you all to our new favorite game called "bite the bag" and yes, it's exactly what it sounds like. It was fun to meet up again at Carl's for the "annual" New Year's party which we have taken a hiatus from the past couple of years. I had a really good time visiting with Ruth and looking at houses that they could buy when they move here next month (nudge, nudge). Yay! Alex enjoyed playing pool and air hockey with the guys. And the boys always have a blast with their cousins. I was just glad that there was no blood spilled on that amazing slide. It was fun to play with Mom in the fabric store for a bit while Dad and Alex chatted in the parking lot. We also enjoyed spending time with Alex's sister. A little sad since her husband just walked out on her and they are trying to figure out what that means and how to deal with it all. But it was good to be there for her. Siblings: COMMUNICATE with your spouses!!! About EVERYTHING!!!! Okay, I'm good now. But seriously....
We at the Hart house are really looking forward to what this new year will bring and we hope it brings ample opportunities to play with all of you, our faves.
Flake Fun
3 Jan 2016 - Happy new year to all of you! We enjoyed a quiet new year's eve with Randy & Dona and Uncle Gaylan & Aunt Donna.
Scott got a phone call from Cousin TJ (young men's president) on Wednesday asking if there was any way that we could help with a combined young men/young women's hike on Friday. We were able to rearrange our plans and we told him that we would be there. So we left at 6:00AM on Friday morning and headed to Gilbert with 13 youth, 4 male leaders and me. We hiked the Flat Iron. No, let me re-phrase that, we climbed the Flat Iron. See the mountain peak? The one in the background, that you can barely see? Yeah, that is Flat Iron. It is a 3 mile hike each way. The last mile climbs 2,000 feet.
Scott got a phone call from Cousin TJ (young men's president) on Wednesday asking if there was any way that we could help with a combined young men/young women's hike on Friday. We were able to rearrange our plans and we told him that we would be there. So we left at 6:00AM on Friday morning and headed to Gilbert with 13 youth, 4 male leaders and me. We hiked the Flat Iron. No, let me re-phrase that, we climbed the Flat Iron. See the mountain peak? The one in the background, that you can barely see? Yeah, that is Flat Iron. It is a 3 mile hike each way. The last mile climbs 2,000 feet.
This is the group we went with. I was very impressed with our young men. There is a very small deacon (you can barely see his head at the back of the group on the right). Hiking is not his thing but he goes to participate with his quorum. He is really scrawny and was having a really hard time once the rocks started getting large. The young men rallied around him, lifted him (literally) over the hard parts and constantly encouraged him. Not once did I hear complaining about why it was taking so long or why they had to wait for him. After rest breaks they would cheer him on as the "line leader". It was amazing to see.
And now we can barely walk. I joked with some of the young women that this hike fulfilled the fitness resolution for the whole year!
Here is the renovated tiller! Our garden is prepped and ready for planting in a few months.
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