Sunday, March 22, 2015

Nilsson News

I believe that last week I failed to mention Addy's piano competition.  She had been practicing and preparing for several weeks and felt and sounded ready.  She was competing in an older age group but still managed to take second place!  She was so thrilled and we were all very happy for her.  The piano is definitely one of her talents.
Garrett celebrated his 31st birthday on Friday!  We were excited because he had the whole day off work but then he ended up spending all morning at the church conducting a funeral.  It was a pretty low key birthday, I even bought a cake rather than making one but we still had a good time.  Garrett got a sky ball frisbee that is pretty awesome and I can see our family gathering sky ball matches going up a few extra notches.  Just imagine playing ball off the walls!  We ended the evening watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.  It really is a strange show but the music is catchy!
The weather has been delightful and the kids have been outdoors as much as possible.  It makes it slightly more difficult to keep them motivated to do school, but there is a ton to be learned outside.
We hope to see some of you this week for Henry's blessing!  There is no obligation but please let me know if you will be there so we can plan on big enough lunch.
Enjoy some pictures!  ( I don't know why the layout is so weird).
I love my aunties!
Look at those squishy cheeks!  Henry is such a happy baby and smiles a lot.

 Addy's piano competition

 This is ultimately my favorite picture of Henry.  I love it when snapshots work! 

"Mom, Enough pictures already!"

1 comment:

  1. Ruth, thanks for posting pictures! I LOVE them! These are treasures! You are the best. I'm sorry I left in such a rush today and didn't even get to tell you goodbye. You are a wonderful hostess and the rest of our family thoroughly enjoyed being at your house today!
