Sunday, March 8, 2015

Nilsson News

Yay for Lauren and Nick!  We are glad that Eliza has warmed up to Nick and says, "Nick nice."  I think they will get along terrifically.  I think we need to have a google hang out when Lauren opens her marriage time capsule.  It will be hysterical!
Well, on Thursday we woke up freezing cold and our thermostat reading 59 degrees.  Garrett reported that our vents were all blowing cold air and the furnace was definitely not working.  Thankfully we have a wood burning stove and Garrett got that stoked up.  The kids thought it quite the adventure.  We  stayed in our pajamas all morning because it was too cold to change and the kids brought out their blankets and lincoln logs and we had a "pioneer" experience.  It actually really made me think and count my blessings.  It is so easy for us to just turn up the heat and not think twice about it.  Having a new baby in the house and making sure he was warm was the first thing on my mind.  I thought of those pioneer women who gave birth while crossing the plains in the snow and I can't even fathom how they felt trying to keep their baby from freezing.  I know that is an extreme example, but folks, just be grateful for your heat and a furnace that works.  It was quite the ordeal but it was finally fixed.

Other than that, life is good.  Henry is growing too fast.  He now weighs 10 pounds and is losing that newborn look.  We are enjoying the warm sunshine and warmer temperatures and are beginning to see flowers popping through the ground.  Happy spring!

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