Sunday, March 29, 2015

Flake Fun

29 March 2015

I can hardly believe that it is the end of March already!  Time is flying by.
I spent the entire week in Florida at an Emergency Preparedness conference.  Like all conferences there were good parts and boring parts but I am sure glad to be back.  While I was gone Scott showed the house to a family and got some more projects done.  I have decided that until there is someone in the house, the house won't be done!  There always seem to be new projects.

The exciting new of the week is that Katie, our sister-in-law, had a beautiful baby girl on Monday.  She arrived three weeks early, but as Scott's dad put it, "she looks perfectly cooked.  No doughy parts at all."  She was 8 lbs, 13 oz.  Other than being slightly jaundiced she is doing really well.

Katelyn Rose Flake

We saw a herd of antelope grazing on the side of the road when we went down to Mesa yesterday to meet baby Katelyn. 

Hope that everyone is enjoying being together for Henry's baby blessing.  Hope all goes well.  We can't wait to see everyone next month! 

1 comment:

  1. Glad you made it home safe and sound! Looks like Scott is on his way to being the favorite uncle! And you will definitely be the favorite aunt, Jenn!
