Sunday, March 29, 2015

Cache Valley Catch up

HAPPY BIRTHDAY PETER HART!!! - 3 years old today
CONGRATULATIONS ADDY NILSSON - on your piano competition!!!
WAY TO GO ALEX - fixing both a toilet and a kitchen sink!!! Man points, indeed :)

Last Sunday, Emma, Thomas and I decided to head up to Idaho. We hadn't been there for a while and wanted to go visit Peter for his 3rd birthday (a little early). We had a lovely time and were even successful at finding some dresses for Emma. Peter enjoyed the little presents we found for him and was as excited about the batteries as the toy! We stayed up way too late talking, but we don't often get time to visit, so it was very nice. Thomas and Alex got in a good game of racquetball and some business planning. It was a lovely trip.

This week was spent doing more school work - seems like it's never ending assignments, papers, projects, tests, etc. But I am getting somewhere with it all. The end is getting closer in sight. Contrary to Elise's nice email a week or so ago, I'm not very smart - but I do know how to work and study hard. It doesn't come without a price for me and I'm very grateful for small successes.

Thomas had to go in to InstaCare this week. He injured his foot while tumbling on Thursday night, but came home after I'd gone to bed so I didn't know it was hurt until Friday morning. We took him in for x-rays and he has a bad sprain and a chip out of his ankle bone. He is wearing a small, thin brace that fits inside his shoe and we hope it stabilizes things well enough. He is supposed to try out for Big Blue, the USU mascot, this week and he really wants to be able to tumble for the tryouts. Hopefully it will heal quickly.

Lauren went to Las Vegas this past week and enjoyed the music workshops, master classes, and concerts she attended. She got back just in time to do her preview for all of the piano faculty and passed (of course). She will be performing her Master's Recital on April 24th. If you would like to attend, please let us know and we'll save you a seat!! It will be worth your time, for sure! We are lining up babysitters because children under 8 years old are not allowed in the Performance Hall :(
At the end of this week things will slow down a bit and she can turn her attention to planning a wedding!

Emma started taking ice skating lessons this month and is progressing mighty quickly. Her instructor said she is a natural - like just about everything else she tries! She is enjoying it. She went to Idaho to watch her friends compete in a ballroom dance competition. This week she's looking forward to spring break, though we're not sure yet what fun things we'll try to do...

We went down this morning to Layton for Henry's baby blessing. Grandpa and Christi were there, along with several of Garrett's family, Evan Curtis, and some friends of Ruth and Garrett. Right after Sacrament Meeting I got a text stating that a mom in Logan was in labor. I waited until after Sunday School to head to Logan because we weren't sure how fast things would go with the mom. I waited a bit too long and she had her baby about 10 minutes before I arrived. But we had lots to do afterward since this little guy had a cleft lip and palate. We had to figure out how to help him get some nutrition because these babies can't suck. He's healthy and a happy baby, but it will take some time to figure things out. I felt badly to miss out on the visiting and engagement picture taking at Ruth's.

Can I just tell you all how much I love this blog?!!!  Joe's posts crack me up! I can just see the whole car smashing lesson and the gleeful delight in those four big blue eyes as Grant's car runs over Grace's guy - and the cheering when the orange was smashed. I love the photos and the stories and just knowing what everyone is up to. One of these days perhaps we'll have a funny story to tell.

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