Sunday, March 15, 2015

Cache Valley Catch Up

So, we just said goodbye to Lauren and Nick and Joe's family. It was delightful to visit and have dinner together. Yesterday Elise and her boys left after spending three days with us (which we enjoyed immensely). Emma is distressed because everyone always leaves at the same time and then she's stuck here by herself with her parents. Agony! Count your blessings, older siblings, that you never had to be the last one at home!

The news for this week is that we are now minus one lovely crab apple tree. For all the complaining I've done about that tree over the years, it was a heart wrenching experience to see it come down, limb by limb. Elise helped Dad get the deed started. It took longer than Dad thought it would, and the stump will have to be worked on a bit at a time still, but things look mighty bare out our livingroom window. We are planning to plant another tree or two to take its place - one that doesn't drop little crab apples all over the neighbor's driveway in the fall. The cherry tree may be next on the list...

It has been a delight to welcome little Henry into the family. He is a big, beautiful baby boy who is growing and doing well. Ruth is remarkable and is recovering nicely also. She seems delighted to have a "project" to work on now that the baby is here! She's taken on the wedding decorating for Lauren's reception, which we are truly grateful for. She definitely has an eye for that sort of thing and will do a wonderful job.

Between the new baby, the engagement and the planning that has come with that, a school conference in Salt Lake and other births and classes, it's been a bit crazy and I haven't kept up on our blog contributions. Dad also had a WSARE conference in Salt Lake the week that Henry was born.

Thomas should be home from his spring break trip late tonight. I'm sure he'll have some fun stories to tell. I think we'll try to keep up with the Jones' this week (aka. the Harts, Flakes and Nilssons) and plant some of our garden - at least the peas. Hurray for spring time!

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