Sunday, March 29, 2015

Nilsson News

I'm plum tuckered out!  Having people come to your house takes way too much preparation.  This is why we choose to be social outcasts and avoid visiting as much as possible.  We enjoy the lives of introverts.  I don't know how people do it who live for the parties.  It was wonderful having family and friends come for Henry's blessing (I think I can handle it once every two years).  It was a great service, we had good food and good visiting.  Henry was a champ and slept almost the entire time we had visitors.  We weighed him and he is now 12 pounds.  You can definitely feel it when you hold him!

Yesterday, I made a long list of things that needed to be done and Addy liked to cross the things off the list.  As she was reading through it, she would ask if I had completed certain things.  Once she looked at me and asked, "Mom, did you do the petrified beans?"  I laughed, and asked her if she knew what petrified meant.  "Yeah, it means turned to stone.  Those aren't going to be very good beans."  I told her to read the list again and she discovered that it said "refried beans" not petrified.

Some other news we have is that we have found a van!!!  Can I just tell you how much I dislike car hunting?  Anyway, it is coming to us from Missouri and they are bringing it out for General Conference.  It will be nice to fit our whole family (although I have enjoyed being "trapped" at home since Garrett has had the car at work) and a few extras.  We'll be matchy matchy with the Bellistons.  Minvan world, here we come!

I hope you all have a fantastic Conference weekend along with a Happy Easter!

1 comment:

  1. How hilarious! Peterified beans! That's classic! I must remember that for future reference. I hope you are loving your new van and feel that you have caught up with the Jones' - I mean the Bellistons :)
