Sunday, March 1, 2015

Hart Happenings

So, it's been a busy couple of weeks. Highlights include: attending a TED X event and hearing ideas worth spreading from some local folks, staying with Alex's niece and nephew while their parents were in Cancun, meeting baby Henry, lunch with Joe and Lori and crew (Joy and Jake are huge! I forget how fast those little babies grow!), dinner at Zupas with Mom, a special regional broadcast with Elder Perry and Sister Marriott, a mind blowing presentation on the Book of Mormon and how it parallels our day, and of course Ian's birthday which got spread out and celebrated in many locations over a period of a week! He is a great boy! Definitely one of the best I know and a personal favorite. He is actually on the cover of our local Idaho Falls magazine this month. They did an article on the gardening group he was in over the summer and he and some fellow gardener a got to do a photo shoot which was a riot.

All is well here. Sunny but deceptively cold. Lots of good things happening here. Alex starts a realtor course tomorrow so he can do some business brokering. We're also gearing up for another Healthy Loser Weight Loss challenge which we are hoping to duplicate in Logan this year, if we can get Thomas on board.

Life is good.

Here is a thought that I took away from TED last week from Eleanor Roosevelt: "Great minds talk about ideas, average minds talk about events, and small minds talk about people."

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