Sunday, March 22, 2015

FHE at the Bellistons

We have been having a little bit of a problem lately with children running across the road without looking for cars.  So we decided to address it in Family Home Evening last week.  We lost their attention pretty quickly so decided to illustrate it by bringing down some of Grant's cars, the city rug thing, and a toy construction figure.  Grant was the car and Grace was the guy crossing the street.  After looking both ways the guy carefully crossed the street and promptly got hit by Grant's speeding car.  We did our best to explain what is supposed to happen and attempted a few more demonstrations but still felt like we weren't getting anywhere.  At that point we decided to traumatize our kids a little bit and took them outside with an orange.  We placed the orange on the driveway and I ran over it with our car completely smooshing it into a juicy, pulpy puddle.  Grace and Grant started to cheer, which wasn't exactly what we were hoping for, so we asked them "what happens if you don't look before you cross the street?"  "We get smooooshed! Yay!  Let's do it again!!"
I hope all of your family home evenings are a little more effective. 

The baby's are growing like weeds and getting more teeth.  Grace played the drums on rock band and now wants to be a drummer when she grows up.  


  1. How hilarious! I haven't stopped laughing since I read this - and I keep making people listen to while I read it and they laugh and laugh! I would love to be a fly on your wall every day! Your kids are so funny. Thanks for always sharing their delightful wit.

  2. Grace would be the sweetest drummer ever. The rock world could use a soft touch like hers! Next time we're together I want to see her go at it.
    You and Alex need to collaborate about the FHEs. Your story reminded me about the time on Sunday afternoon when I was napping and Alex decided to have a chat with the boys about staying away from alcohol. Feeling that the boys weren't quite getting the gravity of the topic he pulls up some horrible you tube videos about drunk driving accidents. *sigh* They are forever traumatized. But I don't imagine that they will ever drink and drive.
