Sunday, March 15, 2015

Flake Fun

15 March 2015 - We woke up this morning to a bright and sunny day so we're planning for a good week!  There is supposed to be rain a little later in the week but we welcome that!

This week was a doozie and I am glad that it is over with.  Lots of crazy stuff going on at work that I am trying to figure out.  I went to the temple on Friday morning which was a very nice reprieve.  One fun thing about the work week was "needing" a training session by my favorite accountant.  I was given control over the program finances which means access to the County's financial system so Scott took the time to teach me the ins and outs of running the reports that I need.  His abilities never cease to amaze me.  I had no idea the magnitude of his job.  It sure made me appreciate him even more than I already do. 

We put in some good hours on the house this week and it is looking really nice.  We showed the house to a single dad who is really interested and he is set to move in on April 1st. Yay!!!!

We are anxious to start our garden and hope to have the house completed and cleaned this week so we can start on it this weekend! 

That was our week in a nutshell.  Hope everyone had a terrific week! 

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