Sunday, March 1, 2015

Flake Fun

1 March 2015 - We missed hearing from everyone last week but hope that you were all having and enjoyable time and doing something fun.  Our week has been much of the same as normal.  I went to Flagstaff last Sunday evening for a couple of meetings.  One (on Monday morning) was a training on transporting infectious biological samples. The second one (Tuesday morning) ended up being cancelled due to large amounts of snow so I was able to come back a day early!   On Wednesday and Thursday I had an emergency management training.  So my week was filled with training.  Scott's week was filled with the normal numbers game.  He is reviewing the 13/14 budget and planning the 15/16 budget.  What happened to living in the present?

We were hoping to be done with the house by this weekend but, alas, it is not quite finished yet.  The weather has been quite chilly and blustery which has slowed things down quite a bit.  However we were able to get a few things done. 

The spare bathroom is done...except for cleaning.

The master bathroom only has a few odds and ends left to do but it has a nice big mirror in there now and some towel racks and hooks!

We have a lady that seems quite interested in the house so we are hoping that she can get over to see the house and that it will be mutually beneficial for all of us.  We'll keep you updated.

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